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It is with great pleasure that I announce the first version of Hero Corruption 2. It took several months of learning, research and work for this version to finally be released, many thanks to all of you who supported the project and offered your help.

First let's deal with the elephant in the room: This version is fully playable but far from optimized, especially the UI of some shops which can be unintuitive or messy.

Please be patient about this.

The idea is to release the first playable version so that I can collect feedback from all of you, in these next few days I will be giving priority to reports about game-breaking bugs or that greatly affects gameplay in a negative way.

Quality of life suggestions are very welcome, but will only be implemented in the following month. I hope you all understand.

With that out of the way, let's get to the fun part:

First of all, you can access the Main Menu at any time by pressing the ESC key. In this menu there are important information such as Corruption level, Addictions, Enemies page, Hero Level and Attributes

Yep, your Hero now has a Level, the only way to gain experience is by defeating enemies, for now.

Every time you level up you can use the awarded Points to improve your Attributes, all you have to do is click the "Attributes" button at the Main Menu.

Each point spent on a specific Attribute increases a sub-attribute (Maxim. Lust, Stamina Regen., etc.), but also increases the cost of the primary Attribute

Keep in mind that you can only improve your Attributes while you are in Base

The higher your level, the greater the amount of Points received

Leveling up is not the only way to accumulate points, you can also acquire them by purchasing Perks in your Skill Tree every time you start a new Run. The currency used to buy Perks is Fame, which can only be earned in completed past Runs.

The encounters also had some changes, from now on you can use your own HP to get rid of "Addiction Checks", the option to "Struggle" will only be available if you have enough HP for it, so maybe it's time for you to start giving some love to your Hit Points too. You can still use "Resist" if you want to conserve your HP or are feeling safe with the odds.

Lastly, you cannot "Struggle" in all checks, especially Bad Endings triggers.

New Status Effects are present:

"Intoxicated" will cause your Lust to gradually increase based on your Corruption, regardless of your Addictions

"Masturbate" makes your hero skip his own turn and lowers his current stamina, think of it as Aroused 2.0.

Some powerful enemies can also make your Attributes drop, if this happens the cost to upgrade them will not decrease, so try to avoid this as much as possible.

Potions no longer increase Max. Lust and Max. HP, instead they increase the related primary Attribute (INT and VIT, respectively). You can still find them in the wild, but their price in the Shop is now related to how many days have passed in-game

Speaking of the City, The Tavern is closed for cleaning. It will open again after some time, so no need to panic.

About the game itself:

There are three versions available: Windows, Linux and Mac, to be honest I've only tested the Windows version, so if you're a user of other platforms, please let me know if everything is working as it should.

Saves should carry between versions without an issue.

But please refrain from grinding in advance, this is the first version and a lot can change.

Most PCs should run the game without any problem, but some older machines may run into issues, here are the basic requirements according to the engine developer:

"(...)A user's computer have OpenGL 2, DirectX 9, OpenGL ES 2, or WebGL to run Ren'Py. The model-based renderer requires OpenGL ES 3 or WebGL 2. Ren'Py no longer runs on Windows XP ."

Also worth mentioning if you go to the settings and check "Skip Transitions" the gameplay will be much smoother.

Finally, This might make some of you happy and others not so much: GAME IS HARD

Even if you buy all the Perks, the Deep Forest boss won't be easy, the difficulty will be adjusted over time, just like HC1

That's all for now, if I remember anything else that should be mentioned, I'll edit this post.

Please leave your comments and questions below. 

If you happen to be having problems running the game, send me a DM and I'll try to help you.

Have fun! ❤


  • Added all enemy pics to the Gallery
  • Added Hannah's Bad End
  • Added Tooltips to the Attribute Screen
  • Added a Tooltip Location Toggle in the Options Menu
  • Added a Return button to the menu
  • Added a confirmation button when the player choose to sleep before 22:00
  • Added a notification sound and changed the City unlock dialog
  • Added "Current" and "Cost" text to the Attribute Screen
  • Notifications should be a bit more readable now
  • Removed the "Exploring the ..." dialog
  • Renamed "Prefs" and "Preferences" to "Options"
  • Decreased Allie's HP 130 > 120
  • Optimized Attribute Screen coding
  • Fixed Laura Blowjob pic distortion (Let me know if you guys find some others weird images)
  • Fixed a bug causing the player name not to show correctly in the City
  • Fixed Church second input
  • Fixed Restrained debuff not clearing properly



First off, congratulations on finally releasing HC2! - UI Improvement: When upgrading mid-game, there is no reset button for attributes. - UI Improvement: Could you please add in a "hover" description box for the primary attributes? I could probably guess STR and AGI mean but it would be helpful to have a full description (I still don't really know what INT and CON do haha) as well as maybe some context as to how it affects gameplay. - UI Improvement: Could you please add an easier way to understand how points are allocated? For example, on a new game, when upgrading STR from 1->5 to 5->25, it costs 50 points in total. But the first upgrade (1->5 to 2->10) only cost 5 points. From the first upgrade alone, it would make it seem as though it's 5 points per upgrade (which means I should be able to upgrade it all the way to 11->55. However, when you do subsequent upgrades, it actually costs more. This makes it a bit confusing. - UI Improvement: The pictures are a little squished / stretched on some of them (e.g. Laura BJ img). Could you please fix the aspect ratio on each image so it doesn't distort?


So I played until I got all 19 achievements, here are some thoughts: 1. Stats like Attack dont upgrade every point, I would in general want to change it so that every time you spend points you get something out of it. 2. The perk tree's descriptions are so far offset in my game that I can't read what any of them do. I just figured I get more points. 3. Claire feels a tad bit strong, I hope I don't have to beat her in a longer run with this little power I can get from level ups. 4. Allie is super dangerous, she always increases Foreplay every turn which is by far the most used addiction in the game so I avoided her most of the time. 5. I can't undo level ups mid-run, which is annoying if you misclick 6. Overall, the hero feels much weaker than in HC1. Maybe that's due to the lack of upgrade mechanics yet, and level ups having so small of an impact so maybe that will get better in later versions. 7. No Gallery makes me sad, and I can't check enemies while not currently on a run.


Hi space, thanks for your feedback! The first two suggestions will definitely be implemented, I'll probably add a tooltip for Attributes, similar to the Skill Tree. Regarding the cost of Attributes, the value on the left corresponds to the attribute itself, while the value on the right is the cost to increase it. Each time you increase an Attribute, its cost goes up by 5 points For example: STR 1▶5 Indicates that you have 1 STR and need 5 points to increase it. VIT 5▶25 You have 5 VIT and will need 25 points to 6 VIT I hope it makes more sense now. About the distorted images, in the first months of development I had in mind that all the pictures should be a similar size, so some were stretched waaay too much, I will probably reverse them in the near future Thanks again, and let me know if you have any more questions ❤


1. This is intended, some sub-attributes are only increased after several points in your primary Attribute, this is currently the case with Attack and Stamina Regen. (Corr. and Add. Resistance used to increased once for every 2 CON points, but this has been changed before release) For reference, Attack increases every 5 points of STR while Stamina Regen. increases for every 2 points in AGI The reason for this to happen is balance, Attack is much more valuable than Max HP, for example. 2. This is a problem. Does any part of the tooltip even appear on the screen? Have you tried increasing/decreasing the game window size? 3. Claire is OP right now, think of her as the last boss of this version, something to keep you guys entertained 4. I'll take a better look at Allie, thanks for poiting it out 5. @spacepups made the same comment, I'll implement a Reset button in the next version 6. He is definitely weaker, probably because the Skill Tree is much more limited than the Upgrades available in HC1, but as you said, this will improve over time 7. It makes me sad too 😥 I'll add it on a future update ! Thanks for you feedback Mini 🖤🖤 And congratulations on unlocking all achievements ^^

Gerald Gantos

Crashed against anastasia, log as follows: ``` I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Enemies/Anastasia.rpy", line 143, in ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/Enemies/Anastasia.rpyc", line 143, in script �����"XZV??+�?\�*��k��?$؏$h��??�r,??m�T@ File "renpy/ast.py", line 928, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "renpy/python.py", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode exec(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/Enemies/Anastasia.rpy", line 143, in File "renpy/python.py", line 875, in do_mutation return method(self, *args, **kwargs) ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list Ren'Py Hero Corruption 2 v0.1 Wed Dec 7 10:10:52 2022 ```


Fixed and uploaded the new file ! Thx for pasting the log Gerald, it speeds things up a lot.

Andrew Mhaol

I like how this is going. I'm definitely in the "harder is better" camp for these kinds of games where the content is found on losing.


1. The Problem with this is that its not intuitive to calculate how much points you need to bump attack from - say - 15 to 20 without doing math. This is my main complaint. Can you make it so that the stat just costs more per increase because the partial level ups are worthless. 2. Apparently this is a problem with UI Scaling in Windows 11. If I set it to 100% it works fine. I'd prefer not to because with 2560x1600 at 100% the windows are quite tiny (laptop resolution) Thanks! I love having something to play towards. These achievements are a great addition


Played enough to get all the achievements and enjoyed it a ton! First off, the bug reports: (windows version): If you click strong attack with less than 20 stamina it will give you the too tired to attack message. Trying to normal attack after that will also give the too tired to attack message even if you have more than 10 stamina. Waiting once clears this bug. In the city, interacting with any of the town's buildings will cause your name to display as diogaoo. All the town dialogues will still refer to the players chosen name and returning to camp will cause the players chosen name to be displayed again. Reducing corruption in the church automatically led into a dialogue to reduce vaginal addiction every time. The perk tree descriptions also did not show for me either in fullscreen or windowed mode. Secondly, Balance thoughts: Generally I like the balance so far, though Hannah seems to be broken as she has no bad end and no auto end to her fight so you could theoretically get to a point where you immediately cum every turn against her and eventually will have to defeat her to continue. I can definitely see Claire having her HP nerfed to be less of a jump from everyone else as new content is added, but for now she serves well as an end game goal. I greatly prefer HC2s upgrade progression to HC1 because it lets me choose my level of difficulty. In HC1 once you get upgraded, early zones become trivial and if you want to lose to an early enemy to see their content you have to sandbag real hard. In HC2 I can simply choose not to assign any points and have that "fresh meat" experience again. Finally, some general thoughts: I really like the models you chose for all the new enemies. The pink text inside of a pink text box displaying addiction and corruption changes is very difficult for me to read, though once you know what enemies increase which addictions it isn't as important anymore. Being able to pause at any time to see your addictions is very nice and I appreciated it greatly, though having your addictions displayed while choosing which addiction to decrease in the church would be a nice QoL improvement. Great job so far! Im looking forward to the next version!


Thank you for responding! One of the reasons I love supporting your work is how you always attempt to respond as much as possible to your supporters! The cost system makes much more sense now. However, for the less than sharp knives in the drawer (i.e. less smart ones like me) could you maybe consider adding a "Current" and "Cost" header above each respective column of numbers? I think that would help others first trying out your game!


I love this point about how you can have that "fresh meat" experience. Definitely one of the best improvements to HC2 and one of the reasons why I like HC2s progression system better.


Excellent points, Joe. All your suggestions will be implemented in the near future. I've found and fixed all the mentioned bugs, although I haven't uploaded the file yet, will probably do it tomorrow. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review and I'm really happy to know that you guys are digging this new release 🖤

Satou Pendragon

Are Olivia and Serena implemented yet? I can't seem to run into them no matter much I explore the forest and deep forest.


Hi Satou, nice to meet you ! Olivia and Serena are both Shemales and won't appear if you chose to hide Shemale content. Unfortunately, there's no official way to change this option for now, but feel free to send me a DM and I'll help you out with that.


"Finally, This might make some of you happy and others not so much: GAME IS HARD" This....isn't the best news for me I won't lie. But it's your game to balance so fair enough.


I found some time to fit in a run and immediately noticed some differences from HC1 that I'm now realizing I took for granted: - When exploring an area, you have click to explore, then click a second time to encounter someone/something. It would be nice if the "Exploring the (area)..." text automatically moved into an encounter. - Can there be a confirmation when you click "Sleep" at camp? I accidentally clicked it once and lost some hours in my day. - Same for potions, can there be a confirmation message? - Could "prefs" be more clearly labeled as a menu? And when in the menu, can there be a return button rather than pressing esc? - When the City is unlocked on day 3 could it be a little more obvious? - At the Chruch, when decreasing Corruption the prompt for how much I would like to decrease by appears twice, once normally and once after I confirm the first purchase. - After losing to Olivia, I am still restrained. It also worked out that Olivia kept appearing so it created an infinite loop of massive Shemale and Corruption increases. I swear my days started going backwards too once I started losing a lot of times in a row. I actually took the time to get all the achievements. Overall the game is great! Very similar to HC1 but rough around the edges, which is expected so early on. I think Mila is an awesome boss mostly because her pics are all amazing! I threw a lot at you, but I'm hoping you can make the polish fixes early and focus on the content later so the game is more enjoyable ight away! Keep up the amazing work as always!


Can you run this on safari without any downloads?


I do intend to make a web version, but I'm not sure when it will be released. Probably January or February


I don't know if this an intended mechanic, but potions increase the skill point cost of upgrading the relevant stat. I was at 5 Vit, which would've then cost 25 to upgrade again, but after buying a potion, I'm at 7 Vit, and 35 skill points to increase. On the one hand, this could allow one to focus their points elsewhere, and try to make up the health/lust slack via potions. On the other, it felt bad to find out that my Vit costs rapidly went up, and that I could've gotten more value by spending my skill points first, before drinking a potion. Maybe it'll just come down to learning this new system.


Yeah, actually that was intended, but I've been thinking about it for some time now and after reading your comment I came to the conclusion that it makes the game unnecessarily harder, can be confusing, and it reinforces practices that are not very interesting, like avoiding increasing VIT and INT attributes after taking the first few potions. I will probably change it very soon. Thanks dumbo !