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Hi everyone, I hope you guys are having a great week.

The next version of Hero Corruption is about to be released (definitely next week), I just need a few more days to finish the planned content and make sure that there is no game-breaking bug.

Everything I said in the previous post about this new version is already implemented, with the addition of a few more things that I hope you all like. That being said, there's something I've been thinking about for a while and I'd like to share with you all

As the game progresses, I find myself moving further and further away from the format of the initial battles (Anastasia, Shemale) and investing more time in complex battles (Hannah is the best example in this case). How do you guys feel about this? Do you prefer quantity or quality?

I ask because an encounter like Hannah's takes about two days to finish, while Anastasia and Shemale's were finished in a single day. This means that it would be possible to do 8-10 battles in a single update, but they would be pretty simple ones (maybe not even a defeat scene, exactly like Anastasia and Shemale)

I'll leave a poll here, feel free to vote and send me a message about it or any other subject


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