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This show it's very nice to watch, of course have some flaw, but a  nice show to see to end. Leave a side the haters ( for what reason ?).  Anyway this anime, show how some peopled don't understand the difference between reality and fiction.

A like all characters in this show, i like the ost, the plot it's very nice.

My only complaints about this show are the latest episodes and the usefulness of secondary characters in battle.
I have read so many complaints about the whole ending.
I can understand the first part of the final episode rather hasty but the second part I do not understand the complaints. For me, the second part of the last episode was very satisfying. They  made the planet once again habitable, all the secondary characters had a  happy life, new loves, old loves, they stole the planet again as it  used to be, after years pass Hiro and ZeroTwo return to Earth in a form  of incarnation, even if their companions are no longer present, the discovery of the two takes place without a way of war.
I found the second part really satisfende, it's not 100% a happy ending but it's a sad ending.


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