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I'm currently working on drafting/writing the next page of the StafirexRaven comic. In the past when I've made these I didn't really put a whole lot of thought into planning them out, I just sort of made stuff up as I was going along, which might have been good in the short term, But it ended up making it very difficult to figure out how to continue the story. And it's resulted in a very loosely connected comic. A lot of the pages feel more like individual pieces than something that's part of a set. For example, in the most recent page, I hadn't even even written any of the dialogue until after the drawing was fully colored. But from now on I'll be properly drafting everything out. This will make it a lot easier for me to continue the comic, and it will result in better drawings for you guys. I'll have some preview sketches up for you guys soon.

In addition to the comic and the monthly poll characters, would you guys want me to post more sketches? I usually fully color and finish all my sketches, but obviously, that's time consuming. And it takes away time that could be spent working on a different drawing. Would you want me to make more sketches at the cost of not coloring some of them? Or would you rather I just keep fully coloring everything like I've been doing? Let me know in the comments.

Also by the way, Toph is winning the monthly poll by a large majority, So I'll probably be drawing her after this next page is finished, but the voting is still open for a few more days, so technically that could change. 

Thanks for sticking with me for another month, your support means alot to me



Lord Lizard

I would like to see you post more of your sketches!


Would love to get a few uncolored sketches from time to time, like you did with Marceline! Only request is that they still be 'polished', I've seen a handful of artists that there's a clear quality difference between anything they color and that which they don't, that's not attributed to the color itself.


That sounds phenomenal! I would love to see more sketches and I can't wait to see how the comic is going to turn out :]


I appreciate the fully polished pieces, though I wouldn't being against seeing some of your sketchings... The new method you are taking to the StarfireXRaven comic sounds great! Making plans and setting intermediate goals is good! Be careful not to make it feel to corporate though, that might tire you out even more! Idk, if you have studied comic-making concepts like storyboarding and brainstorming but if you haven't perhaps give it a look? Might help give you ideas on how you might approach it in the future...

AbyssalApsu .

I agree with Zman on this, also watch out for burnout, sometimes the planning can add to the stress and feel like more work making it more likely