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Thank you for the support! You guys are awesome!

If you look back at the previous page, Parfait cast her lavender spell which got turned back on her, but you can also see the red spell coming out of the back of her sigil and dropping out of the panel. Casting two spells simultaneously is literally twice as complicated as casting a single spell, at least for amateurs. Once you're a little more proficient, you can use common elements of each casting for both spells; homing elements, effects, etc., as well as easily splitting the mana you pump into the spell between them.

Parfait accomplished this because she's just bursting with mana at the moment. Not only does she potentially have Thothogoth's mana pool to draw from, but she just left Core a wreck on the sidewalk, so she's got even more mana than usual, and was able to just shove energy into that spell to overcome certain technical shortcomings. She is a competent spellcaster, but she's not an expert, as she's still a sophomore in Succubus Finishing School.




I was a fool to have ever been in doubt. Go Parfait! Also GEEZ, she was tickled so hard it lifted her off the ground and put her back on her feet! Poor Lemonade.


I can't think of a good joke about how this is someone's fetish without implying that it is my fetish (it isn't) so I'll just say this succ-off is cleverly written.