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YEEEEEESSSSSSSS (dabbler is going to be jelly, let the eternal teasing commence!)


Self control on that level would be a super power in its own right.


love the look on Maxima's face in the penultimate panel!


Camera! Need a camera with instant upload functionality - and by instant, I mean faster than Maxima's speed to the nearest cell tower...


I mean, that bottom row counts as a threesome, right?


Anvil just went up in my book.


Alas poor Hiro, we hardly knew him.

Nathan Weber

Okay, Anvil, that's just cruel and unusual to poor Hiro. Also sexual harassment. 😅

Paul Rendell

You guys do realize that for that last row to work, Hiro would have had to "break through" the rubble he was holding in the third window right?

Bryce Maryott

Anvil ships Maxima/Hiro! (Maxiro? Hirama?)

Ivory Sai'ee

I just woke up my dog I was laughing so hard.


Is there a straight man alive that would be able to "control himself" when pressed into that situation!?!?! I think not, hell I think even a gay man would be struggling not to give Max a little hello how are ya....


If ever Dabbler heard about this...


I'm sure there is video from satellite footage or from the drop-ship for blackmail material for go ole Dabbler.

A Patreon of the Ahts

What are her panties made of and why don't they use it for tanks?

D.A. Lamont

Sorry, Maxima, but that's a big ask. I'm a little surprised the Major's d*ck didn't shatter the concrete. Would've been a funny offscreen sound to preempt Maxima's response. [krrk!] Maxima seriously needs to chill a bit. Kinda hoping we get some candid backstory from her, as to why she's SO uptight and overboard with her feminism. There are seriously good guys out there. Case in point, the Major. I like Kenya's efforts, however. At least she gets it. ^_^


"Major! Have some self control!" looks like Hiro has already been showing more than all due self control, but after Anvil's "intervention" the, uh, situation, escalated above & beyond even (super) human control...