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I guess Parfait has her "Auto Reply to Summoning Requests" set to "Automatically Accept." In her defense, she's just getting her career as a professional Succubus started, and her Summoning Rolodex has like 4 names at the moment?

All those sigils that cause the candles to blow out and the wind to pick up and black smoke to pour from the edges of the circle and cackling before the flame wreathed hand breaks through the dimensional bulwark are just designed to promote theatrics. Gotta maintain the mystery and make sure the mortals continue to fear and revere the unknown and all that.

I've long liked the idea that most magic that happens in popular media is the result of people cobbling together ancient texts in order to cast a single spell or summon an entity and everything inevitably goes wrong - aren't caused by malicious intent of the magic itself or the things being summoned... well, okay, sometimes it's the fault of the things being summoned - but most of that stuff is because the people in those movies don't really know anything about magic despite their 40 year quest to unlock its secrets. It's like someone trying to code a computer program but all they have is snippets of code that were written in ancient Sumerian. They don't know what each snippet is supposed to do, but if you string enough of them together, maybe you can get something to happen, even if that thing is a OS crash or it makes the USB port that connects the keyboard to the computer to stop working. But the magical script kiddies are pretty sure someone 5000 years ago used "Sumerian++" to create solid gold out of thin air and also made them irresistible to women, (ignoring the fact that having a mountain of gold is not, in and of itself, a huge turn off) so it's worth trying, even if the last guy who tried it lost the blue channel on his monitor and also his bones were replaced with fire ants.



Shade Jones

That expression is just "... this isn't my bathtub"

Brad Kirkwood

you see Parfait that's why you give summoning hours when you hand out your Sigil

Paul Rendell

Going from bathing to rolling around on scented Gold dust is gonna be awkward. That stuff will get everywhere.

James C

It's not merely saffron-scented gold dust; it's black honey with gold dust and saffron mixed in. So, it's incredibly sticky too.


I like the idea that's used in D&D where it takes time, expense, and an Arcane Knowledge (Arcana) check to copy a spell from another wizard's spell book to yours, but it's simple to re-memorize the parts that let you shorthand it (basically, you charge up most of the spell and thus are able to cast the last bit to set it off, enabling slinging a quick Fireball in combat; you can also do it the long way with a lot of spells as a ritual, but that takes basically the time it took to prep the quick-to-cast spell, because you're doing it from scratch). The reason for the expense and need to do a skill check is because you need to translate the weird, arcane, half-insane nonsense that comprises how the other mage views and records magical formulae into the *different* weird, arcane, half-insane nonsense that comprises how you view and record magical formulae.


Fell off the chair laughing. The phone always rings when you're in the tub.


In actual works of alchemy, every writer used their own code and shorthand to describe the processes. So each book was totally different with only a few illustrations to suggest what was being described. And they were full of symbolism of their own, not always consistently used.


In many of Leonardo da Vinci's blueprints, modern engineers have found mistakes and omissions that can't be anything but deliberate. The most common theory for this is that it was a measure taken by Leonardo da Vinci himself to prevent others from stealing his ideas. As smart as the man was, I doubt he was the only one to think of this. As such, I find it hard to believe that any records of "Alchemy" and/or "Magic" would be lacking such basic security, even if written in code. This is the reason that I personally will never say that "real world magic is not real." We may have just lost the "Key" knowledge that would let us access it. That doesn't mean that I think magic is real. Just that there is room for reasonable doubt'.