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Maxima: What's going on here?
Sydney: There was a debate as to whether plantigrade or digitigrade legs made for faster running, Digit thought they said digit-grade, and we're off to the races.
Maxima: And why is no one wearing a bra?
Sydney: Something about controlling for variables? This is the third heat.
Maxima: Uh huh. And what variable does this account for?
Sydney: Audience engagement?


V. 2 -

Maxima: And why are they nude?
Sydney: According to Dabbler, so that no matter who wins, everybody wins?


I was going to do a mini-comic of the above dialog and some variations, like an underwear (lingerie) version, but this took so much longer than I'd planned. If I hadn't gotten tested for Covid twice during my sickness, I would have sworn I had some variant, because one of the symptoms is brain-go-slow-itis. Since I'm so far behind I'll forego it this time and get straight on to the next piece, which definitely involve fewer characters.

As far as who the fastest is, well, it's kind of a mess. Digit is by far the slowest until she presses that thumb switch, then she's the fastest, but also has the worst steering. Dabbler is faster than almost any human. The digitigrade legs do give a bit more spring, but mostly her speed comes from being about twice as strong as a human male. Jabberwokky is faster than an unboosted Digit, but if she's using her powers, like using "Cheetah Style" then she's the fastest non-flyer on the team. Kat in her human form is faster than she used to be. Lycans get a little stat boost in their human forms, but in her hybrid Hare form, she's really fast. Not quite as fast as Cheetah-cheating Jabber, but better acceleration out of the gate. Of course, at the time this race took place, Seneca is actually the fastest. Broke most of the bones in her feet and fucked up her knees, ankles and hips, but that purple-tier healing potion is still swirling around in her, so she healed up in time for the next heat. She also has the smallest breasts out of the bunch by a wide margin, so she had considerably less issues with, you know, pendulous inertia. 

Seriously, large, unrestrained boobs are a considerable impediment to sprinting. Or even jogging. Or descending stairs. 

Of course, Mr. Amorphous is really fast if he stretches his legs out, and Ren is super fast if he gets his adrenaline going, but there was less interest in watching the guys race for some reason.



Kevin Wright

Naked guys can have their own problems with "pendulous inertia", as Dave put it. Not quite as, er, easy to see, though.

Gelatinous Cube

Kat looks so incredibly SERIOUS. I guess winning is serious business, but Serious Kat is Cute Kat.


As a point of fact, when Heracles (yes, THE Heracles) first established the Olympics, everyone competed naked; only Greeks were allowed to compete but foreigners were allowed to spectate from the audience. Let's just say that the results were spectacular & greatly appreciated...A lot of fit-looking bodies on the field.


Is there meant to be a strap just above Digit's right knee like there is on the left? Seems a little unbalanced as is.


I need to stop being so excited to see Digit whenever she appears (in the main comic as well as these), but I can't help myself.