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Brett Tamahori

Well, Dabler is not wrong.


I'd like to argue, but I can't.


Finally, some Dabbler action! But that begs a few questions, simply because I think Anvil has a really awesome power : does she have a limit to how much energy she can store? And how lo g can she store it for? Does it expire, renew with each hit or gradually wear off? I WANT TO KNOW


Love the look in Sydney's face in the last panel!


Oh and I think Sciona (?) is really going to know that something is happening outside!


Well, that's going to leave a dent


Dabbler has a point though I'd pay attention regardless because I'm a nerd for super power science.

Paul Gabbard

Love the little Dabbler commentary.


Alternate forcast; showers of mortar, with the chance of brick


Oooooohhhh so THATS why I like science commentary on youtube....


If Anvil can grab him and pile-drive him through the floor, then she is either sending a lot of rubble up in the other direction as reaction mass or she's creating inertia herself. So my thing is, can Anvil "fly"? If she can store and release inertia she could throw herself around the sky like a ping pong ball. Even if she needs something to kick the other way she should still be able to jump for miles. I think that's an implied ability here.... and a spectacular way to get around.


She can absorb a lot of energy. Too much and she'll need to release it quickly, but if it's a level she can contain, it will bleed off eventually.


She can use stored up energy to super jump, but she can't fly.


Did she ask Max to punch her to store all that energy?


She did do a super jump during the Steak House fight.