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Oh sheeeeit, haven't seen her in a while!

Okay, some (most) of you are probably all, "Um... who is that?" It's Sciona, who is possessing Escorpia's murdered body. (She got better.) Of course, no one in the room knows this. She's obviously been busy since she, I don't know, took over some nowhere town in Mexico? Or just stuck all her disembodied pals in a bindle and marched across the border. Woe to the ICE unit that tried to detain her.

I bet you guys thought this page would be Maxima, Dabbler and Halo on an alien magic heavy planet kicking the shit out of a dracolich or something, but no! Get ready for some hot and heavy budget meeting action!

See, Maxima wants her own private dungeon. Like having a garden in your own backyard. Why buy groceries like a sucker when you can have fresh tomatoes four months out of the year assuming the rabbits don't get 'em first?

Can you imagine the dungeon farming industry in an industrialized, capitalist society? You could go into the grocery store and just pick up a bag of dragon scales, and of course there'd be "imitation dragon scales" which are really salamander scales but they work the same in about 15% of alchemical solutions so the FD&DA allows it. Then there'd be a call for "free range" alchemical ingredients, but of course no one wants rust monsters in their neighborhood so all the dungeon farms have to be out in the middle of nowhere in case some of them escape. And then there'd be stuff like "organic eye of newt" that costs 2.5 times as much even though it's the same thing because how could you have inorganic eye of newt, but some people will pay extra to feel good about themselves by getting shafted by "Ma and Pa Farms" which are owned by Colosso Corpo Farm.

Oh, and feel free to ignore any inconsistencies in Ingsol's accent. My initial strategy with him was to transpose all his "V's" and "W's" but that doesn't always make for super legible dialog. Plus, neither of those are the most common letters, so when reading his lines, remember that his actual accent is Chekov looking for nuclear wessels meets The Count from Sesame Street. Aah-ah-ah!




A dragon cow, or a cowed dragon. At least one who values their teeth.

Ron Jarrell

Organic newts are fed only the finest druid-made newt food, and you harvest 2 eyes each. Non-organic newts are fed radioactive waste which causes the eyes to grow back about a dozen times but does lead to some occasional teensy weensy effects on your potions from the extra heavy metals. Hardly ever causes the abyssal door to collapse into a black hole. Not since that wizard in tunguska anyway.


Now, dragons are usually portrayed as sentient, and Maxima is reasoning with that one verbally....so she's proposing the government imprison sentient creatures so she can forcibly harvest organic materials from them? Whether or not that's something our government would definitely do in real life, that seems problematic.


In the relevant panel where she's reasoning with one, she isn't proposing imprisoning it at all, as either of the options. So it's possible they won't have sapient or sentient creatures in their farming dungeon, but will source those materials... organically. Or trade, as Max is discussing.