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Maxima gets ready for her night out, and plays with all the makeup options. And also dresses in front of the 2-way mirror what faces the 4th wall.




I think Max’s nipples look a bit weird in pink. Also don’t know why they would be? (Maybe she put makeup on them?) If it were a different shade of gold, I think it would improve her look. Also something seems a bit off in the picture. Might be the ribs? Love the makeup option! And Max in general, of course. :) Though Sydney is still my favorite.


Someone has obviously been playing D4 lately, hehe.

Bharda Sullivan

First, La Katrina Harper would be ADORABLE.

Bharda Sullivan

Second, I see we’re back in the Uncanny Valley.


anyone else try to use the sliders thinking it was interactive?


I know you always do the layers in an order, but could we get a few topless in jeans going forward?


Makeup set 1 is anything from subtle to Madri Gras; Makeup set 2 is Cosplay and Makeup set 3 is for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos.


I feel like these pin-ups would be more thrilling if there were some variation in body type and boob size/shape among the not-Sydney/Peggys. I mean, unless part of the mythos is that the phlogiston in this world renders all it touches mesomorphs with full G-cup+ breasts.