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Some people have asked why Max went to a bar, basically a singles bar, if she doesn't want to get hit on. Well, her lack of inexperience in this area means she also lacks creativity. And it's not like she didn't want to potentially start up a conversation with some civvy guy, but the sudden run on her compounded with her stressful week and a bad start to the evening didn't help. She's slowly starting to mellow.

I'm bad with faces. I might have mentioned this before, but if an actor puts a wig on, there's a good chance I won't recognize them. At least not right away. They'll be familiar, but I'll take me about 5 minutes to get it. My wife on the other hand could compete with IMDB. We were watching a clip of something black and white, and this 12 year old boy appeared on screen, and my wife immediately said, "I think that's Ian McKellan." And it was. I've never even seen the guy when he was younger than 55, but it didn't slow down the wife for a second. I assume I'd be a better artist if that part of my brain was more swole, or however brains work.

All that is to say, Maxima's disguise would be super effective on me. My wife might not even notice the color and specularity change before she recognized her. So her mileage disguised as "caucasian" would vary wildly. Anytime she goes out in public like this, she's rolling the dice. Once it's known that Maxima has a way to appear non-shiny, the chance of her getting away with this goes down.



D.A. Lamont

I was hoping for mellow, interstellar bounty hunter taking a day off at a human (homeworld) bar, but average, pleasant guy is nice, too. 😎👍


When Anvil and Dabs ask how her night went, they will be badly disappointed.

Erin Halfelven at BigCloset

It's callled prosopognosia, the inability to recognize faces. Mine is bad, but I have found a workaround. Being an artist myself, if I draw a face I can see, I will be able to recognize it better later. Even if I just imagine drawing it, it will help. And moving my hand in drawing-type motions also helps. Weird, huh?


I've always thought I would benefit greatly, both my art and borderline face blindness, from learning how to do caricatures, like Mort Drucker of Mad Magazine. Unfortunately, that's not a skill you can pick up with a half hour course. It's a lifetime of studying faces and practicing exaggerating characteristics.


I don't know why, but I'm imagining Max goes for a one night stand, and discovers the supermakeover choker glitches out to leave her with metallic gold labia... But, its far more likely that her pointy ears will make an appearance.


I'm curious whether prosopagnosia affects the ability to see 'hidden' face patterns, as in many paintings. https://www.google.com/search?lr=&safe=images&as_qdr=all&q=faces+hidden+in+painting&tbm=isch


I wouldn't call those hidden faces so much as "faces constructed from things that aren't faces." Which is to say, I had no trouble seeing the faces.

Erin Halfelven at BigCloset

Seeing faces in things that aren't faces is a different phenomenon. My difficulty lies in recognizing particular faces. For years, I didn't know who Brad Pitt was because his face is so regular as to leave nothing to hang a memory on. Then I finally cued into his vocal mannerisms and now if he speaks, I will know who he is. :)