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Woo! Page 500! Thanks for your support! 

I decided to let everyone in on this one, cause big milestones only come around every so often. I mean, kind of by definition.

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Yikes. And Congrats on 500!!!


Got blood?


Also yes, serious congrats on 500 :)

Stephen Gilberg

Wait, does she DRINK troll blood or just have it running thru her veins?


Well Sydney...now what?


500! Congratulations. Oh dear, Sydney appears to be in a bit of a pickle.

Andrew Denton

You have the BEST onomatopoeia.

Nicholas Perrett

Okay, magic bullsh*t time; with broken bones, he shouldn't be able to hold her. Bones magically re-setting, fine, but he should have dropped her once those bones broke. Drop, shake bones back into place, grab again. A wizard did it?


Whoa... her right arm doesn't match the left; it must be her original...


2 bones in the forearm; looks like only one broke through.


I had no idea the Orbs could hit *that* hard!


Oh great, the arm heals and then the EYE heals that quick from the arm healing. And isn't this the top of the head of another bad guy? I'd go back and search a bit but wasn't this person "mostly dead" at least recently?


If at first you don't succeed, hit the thing with ALL the balls, several dozen times!


Smash the brain and escape temporary brain destruction would cause muscle spasm and Sidney would be released. Though arguably the spasms might brake Sidney's hands


I'm betting Troll-body holding in that Troll-blood, so yeah... breaky-breaky.


Do The orbs work if you slap two shattered hands over them? I am sure someone's magic could fix them... Maybe 🤔🙃


Actually, it kinda looks like that whole arm may be regenerating


@Doug Northcote: You're looking for "Sciona"; mentioned in #488, revealed in #499 ^_^.


This is the second time she's mouthed off at someone holding her life in their hands. THE MIGHTY HALO LAUGHS IN THE FACE OF DANGER!


She might also be talking loud for Harem, who's trying to port to her.


He regenerates, it's a valid non-lethal take-down technique now! Increase rate of pummeling (or is turning the orbs into a meat grinder too gruesome for grrl power? Not that it would prevent it being done off panel since it's non-lethal for a troll, but still, Sydney's got a teammate literally strung up nearby, she's gotta get some catharsis in.)