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Will they unleash a superpowered supernova? Merge into a Tyrant type creature? Or will Varia just attain the ability to come up with dumb pun supranyms? That one would be less useful than Bird Radar, cause I can think of quite a few uses for that power. Nemesis and Omni-Gestalt are really pretty similar powers, or power sets really, since both potentially contain "all" powers. Nemesis likely has a smaller catalog because it's purely a defensive ability. It's hard to imagine Bird Radar as a counter to some specific bird attack power. Although... maybe if someone could control birds and also make them invisible? Eh, sure, I can see it. And if someone could take the form of a giant burrito and the only way to defeat him was to make him boiling hot on the outside and still have a chunk of bean-ice on the inside, then Nemesis could generate a microwave laser power, so while the power is activated defensively, it can still create offensive abilities.



Seth Swanson

This seems like something you test far far away from anyone else...like in a different solar system.


I'm not sure Gestalt can be used as a verb, but hey he's a bad guy, he breaks all the rules


Checked German dictionary, looks like a nope. https://www.dict.cc/german-english/Gestalt.html


The English language is just three languages stacked on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat. Also, "English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages, knocks them down in a dark alley and then goes through their pockets for loose grammar."