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Thomas Dorner

Dabbler has a TOS phaser, yea!


So, as well as an entry into "Rear Of The Year" Dabbler also has, Jack Morrison (AKA. Soldier 76)'s Heavy Pulse Rifle, a TOS type 2 Phaser Pistol, The Staff Of Magnus, Han Solos DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol and what might be a Plasma Rifle from DOOM, plus a couple of things I can't identify, that's quite the arsenal ;)

Duncan Gibbs

I'm really grateful you put the higher resolution versions up here on Patreon, it's actually difficult for me to read/enjoy the comic at it's normal size/res. =)

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I recognize Deckard's pistol from Bladerunner (to the left of the Phaser)... I don't recognize the khopesh swrod (assuming it's a reference)... but there really should have been an M-41A pulse rifle form "Aliens"

Stephen Gilberg

I assume that "Ashuyaeh" is an interjection to express frustration, but what does it mean literally? The name of a deity? Something vulgar?


Yeah, the fonts are borderline too small, while at the same time, if I compare them to a printed comic page, like Gold Digger, the font is actually a bit large, but that's because I post the comic at 1000px tall, which I chose totally arbitrarily. I read a lot of comics zoomed in. Hold CTRL and scroll your mouse wheel to zoom web pages (at least in chrome). CTRL+0 will reset it. For some reason, the page layout at grrlpowercomic.com falls apart at 125%, but it's fine at 110% and 150%, at least on my computer. Or... just view it here. :)