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Thanks so much for your support! For serious!

Maxima obviously did some googling before her visit. Certainly hit up the wikipedia page for Mozambique at the very least.

Deus feels that the major problems with your typical supervillain plan are threefold. One, the plans are of such scale that they force an immediate response, i.e., holding a city hostage with a nuke. Two, the plans are public. He attributes this to 95% of supervillains having deep seated narcissistic personality disorder. That is, they care more about notoriety than results. The authorities can't exactly ignore the Joker when he's taking over the airwaves. Three, they unleash 98% of their plans in New York/Metropolis or whatever Gotham is the analog of. Chicago? I assume Star City is Detroit for some reason. Again, people are going to take note.

But if you get the ball rolling in BFE*, or better yet, 2,500 miles south of E, then there's literally no one of sufficient authority/military/political strength who can do anything about it. Even if he came out of the chute with the city hostage plan, the average American, European or Pacific Rim politician will probably hear about it in a briefing, but it doesn't exactly jump to the top of the actionable items queue. Well, okay, if he does it with a rogue nuke, he'll pull lots of attention, but a swift and conventional military coup seems like de rigueur for that part of the world.

An army that includes Supers, Aliens, and now Demons... well... That's really pushing the cusp of attention garnering. It's a fair bet every intelligence agency in the world has their eye on Galytn right now. The thing is, if he spends the next five years building roads and hospitals and schools and laying power cables and internet, a lot of people will probably unclench. The next time he makes a push, then it becomes a pattern, and he'll probably need to start answering some hard questions.

* I keep forgetting that I have readers abroad and/or ESL readers, so I'll try and explain colloquialisms when I think about it. BFE stands for "Butt-Fucking Egypt" which basically just means "the middle of nowhere" which is a pretty American, isolationist sort of expression. Egypt being the cradle of civilization, more or less excludes it from being "nowhere." But it sounds funny, and almost any American knows what it means AFAIK.




Noticed a Typo in the second panel: 'Kicked you ouR of their legion' instead of 'kicked you ouT of their legion' Still, loving this and can't wait for more.


In Australia we’d say “Out Butt Fuck, Nowhere” or “out whoop whoop” BFE makes no sense to me though


Maybe bum-fuck nowhere?


never heard of BFE before and it does sound a bit insensitive. but yes alway a bad idea to start your global domination in one of the world's strongest countries

James C

UK here: we'd tend towards "the Arse-End of Nowhere"; it's slightly more egalitarian than insulting Egypt like that.

Marc Vun Kannon

It's almost as if he's read the Evil Overlord's Handbook.

Marc Vun Kannon

I never heard the expression BFE before. I've heard of BCE, so I'd probably wonder what the F stood for.


The logo to “Machina Industries” is so awful and cheesy I’m surprised Deus hasn’t commissioned some superhero/villain who also has a graphic design degree to change it in exchange for being the first Duke of Timbuktu.


I'm a native of Memphis, TN. BFE used to get used here, but it's doubly offensive because we have a part of town called Raleigh-Egypt that's largely non-white. So BFE came off as both racist toward Egyptians and Blacks. I still got the joke, though!


Thank you for thinking about your non-American readers, much appreciated ;)


When I was in my late teens (the early 1980s), years before I ever encountered the term BFE, a friend introduced me to a variation, BFS, which stood for "Butt-Fucking Swaziland". And no, it never occurred to me until later exactly how racist that was.

Andrew Denton

Even if he claimed to have nukes, the facts of him being in Africa and not threatening the white world mean that he'd probably be mostly ignored by white governments. Perhaps not by China, which has a major investment in that part of the world.

Michael Obert

Also the classic East Jesus Nowhere


Just "woop woop" is more common, no need to preface it. The classic expression that sadly doesn't see use anymore is "beyond the black stump" which meant, essentially "past woop woop and keep going."


I've heard "bum fuck Egypt", and my personal favorite "beyond fucking Egypt". The later of which could be considered complimentary as a "distant signpost" kind of thing.


Thank you for explaining BFE. As an Australian, I had no idea what it meant. And having a passing knowledge of Egypt as the cradle of civilisation also means it make no sense… So I’ll just chock it up to a weird US thing.


I'm absolutely sure that he did. You mean this one, right? https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOverlordList


Wow yeah, I've lived all across America and never heard 'BFE' before; where I grew up the expression was something along the lines of 'ten miles past where Jesus lost his sandals.' (Dayo Olopade's term "lean economies" is pretty handy, but wouldn't really work for the joke.)

Etienne M.J. Dubourg

Although I 100% agree that it's far more doable to start taking over cities/small countries in the poorest corners of the planet than in first-world nations, I wonder if Dave (as an American) is not underestimating a little the involvement of former colonial powers in Africa. Of course, we don't know how many supers the european armies possess (and their willingness to use them here), but then again, it seems unlikely that the US would be the only one to realise their importance.


That's true! I think in this universe the Belt and Road Initiative must not be happening


That's the quality logo you get when you commission a comic artist who's like "almost done with this page... shit, better come up with a logo really quick."


Midwesterner here, this is the first I've encountered BFE. I've heard "middle of nowhere" pretty often, and someone might have a cabin "out in the boonies" or some relative might have buggered off to live in "bum fuck nowhere". But I am n=1, soo, mebby it's more common than I know.

Beowolf Chow

Quality Deus ex Machina insert


Midwest US here, definitely have heard it for decades, also it morphed in my region to "beyond fucking Egypt" in the early days of PC. I never really wondered why they chose Egypt, but presumably it's pointing towards the heart of Africa?


AND homophobic of course, which is why we morphed to "Beyond Fucking Egypt" - we were concerned about homophobia well before we were worried about offending the Middle-East, it seems.


Lived about equally on East and West coast, and have never heard it before either. I suspect it may be more of a regional saying than Dave realized

Erin Palette

In my part of the US, BFE has gradually morphed into "East Bumfuck". I'm not sure how it happened, especially since Americans use butt instead of bum when referring to the posterior, so I don't know if it's an imported Britishism or they're actually talking about where the homeless go to have sex with each other.


BFE doesn't exactly come up in daily conversation. It was probably more of a thing when I was in high school, but I felt it was a common enough phrase that most people would get it. I'm surprised at how many "never heard it" responses there are. Maybe it's something only the older people would recognize, as it certainly isn't the wokest expression.

mike stone

Re Gotham: it’s technically Europe under Nazi occupation santized with American gangland imagery: an inverted social order where the government, all sources of non-governmental power, and most of the population are corrupt. It’s a place where anyone traditionally ’good’ will be torn apart by opportunists at all levels: by the powerful for gain and control, by the everyday person on the street for fear of ‘guilt’ by association and retaliation, or by the bottomless need of the legitimate victims. In such a society, the good need corrupt, opportunistic bastards to protect them. Oskar Schindler (Schindler’s List) was a living example, and the German playwright Bertolt Brecht refined the literary type. The best (and IMO most painfully hilarious) is the peasant scribe Azdak in The Caucasian Chalk Circle: during an uprising he finds a noble trying to hide as a peasant, and lectures him on how to show the blank-eyed hopelessness of real peasants suffering the abuse of the nobility. A couple of weeks later he learns the noble was the Grand Duke, who was able to escape due to Azdak’s lesson. Azdak immediately declares himself a class traitor and marches into a revolutionary court demanding to be executed. When the court isn’t particularly interested in killing him, he takes over the trial and shows them how a properly bloodthirsty kangaroo court should behave. The revolutionaries like his spirit so much they pardon him and make him a judge. He spends his time on the bench openly accepting bribes from the rich, but then ruling in favor of the peasants every time. When the Grand Duke retakes power, the loyalists are all set to hang Azdak for being a revolutionary when they receive a top-priority order from the Grand Duke himself, ordering them to find the peasant scribe named Azdak who saved the Duke, and to install him as a judge in the new loyalist court. So Azdak goes on taking bribes, screwing the rich and powerful, and twisting logic however it takes to deliver real justice to the poor, the innocent, and the good. Batman fits Gotham as an apex predator criminal. He has to be an anti-hero because that’s the only way to fight crime in an inverted society. Deus fits that same pattern pretty well, coming to it from the angle of a corrupt industrialist with a perverse quirk of working for the good of the masses. There’s lots of tasty conflict between ‘legal’ and ‘right/fair/just’ along that path.


Ok, indulge an old man. What does AFAIK mean?


Oh yeah, of course. Thank you very much.


Tennessee uses BFE as Big Fucking Empty, at least the rural bits I'm from.

Stephen Gilberg

My first thought was "Battlefield Earth." Of course, "south of Earth" doesn't make much sense.

Eric Loken

"The thing is, if he spends the next five years building roads and hospitals and schools and laying power cables and internet, a lot of people will probably unclench. The next time he makes a push, then it becomes a pattern, and he'll probably need to start answering some hard questions." That would be novel... if it wasn't essentially what Hitler did with Austria... then Czechoslovakia... and then Memel... and was pretty much trying to do with the Polish Corridor when the Brits finally dug in their heals. And if he is actually using a company to do this... it had better be private, because no publicly traded company - even one where he owns majority shares - will allow him to piss money down a hole. A publicly traded company has obligations to its shareholders, and spending trillions on infrastructure that is of no direct benefit to the company, is just going to drive the share price down, and the shareholders can actually sue to have Deus removed as the head of his own company (he retains his stock, but is forced out of the CEO position, and probably even off the board of directors). Oh... and if he didn't want attention that would get people to oppose him, maybe he shouldn't be explaining his plan to the two most powerful supers on the planet (that work for the US government), and not letting his demons get recorded on TV. "White man takes over African country with demons"... yeah, that's not going to play well in like... anywhere. Remember people are panicky and stupid, and well... all they are going to see is a white man ruling over blacks and that he uses demons. He may as well grab a pitchfork, grow a couple horns, and change his name to Lucifer (and not the nice one from the show of the same name). And if his big economic plan is to sell alien technology... I still don't see how that is going to help anywhere he takes over. Especially as just because he buys the stuff he can't reverse engineer it. It would be like giving a iPhone to Thomas Edison and thinking he could reverse engineer it and start making it himself. He doesn't even have the tools to make the tools to make the tools to make the iPhone, to say nothing of being able to examine the microchips. And this alien tech will have nanotech. But okay, lets assume that is his source of income. How is that helping millions of people? Lets see, his company employees a few thousand, most of the work is automated.... that still leave millions more without jobs. He planning on simply giving money to these people on a monthly basis, essentially having millions of people living on welfare? Now on top of demons we're smelling of socialism or even outright communism (not like the average American knows what the difference is), and that is going to get all the capitalists and right wing Americans very excited in a bad way. "Communism rises in Africa, backed by demons from Hell!" AND... dumping vastly advanced new tech on the world... yeah, that's not going to have negative consequences. For everyone. And please, he's acting like he's the only one with super powers, or can get science fiction weapons. He doesn't have the most powerful supers, and smugglers will be dumping advanced tech on the planet before the end of the paragraph. I keep on coming back to this 'plan' has so many holes in it you'd think he called it the swiss cheese plan.