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Thanks so much for your support! For serious!

If you can make copies of yourself, there's a lot of mischief you can get up to. Harem has customized all her dupes with dye jobs, haircuts and tattoos in some cases, but there was a time when she had at least two of herself that still looked identical. Well, that happens each time she gets strong enough to make a new dupe. It appears as a copy of her strawberry blonde self, but usually she figures out some fashion trend to take it down so it doesn't stay looking like her "original" self for long.

But the pranks that a duplicator can pull really pale in comparison to the ones a teleporter can pull. Unless the duplicator can make disposable dupes which they can pitch headlong into a tree mulcher or any other number of gruesome things.

Really, the teleporter can do the "I invented a disintegrator gun, watch!" or a "Beam me up, Scotty." with minimal effort, and presumably Harem's already pulled those on multiple people. The "Log Off" requires a slightly more tech savvy group, but has the potential for hilariouser consequences.

She could also really push the "yeah, this is a video game" prank if she wanted to by talking about DLC and teleporting one of her other selves into the space she just occupied to make it look like she bought a new hairstyle and a fancy dress using "ImmersionQuest Bucks" and then watch a room full of people wave their hands about trying to pull up their UI while she films them acting like mental patients. She's found the prank usually falls apart well before she gets that far though.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update: Getting Proofed!

Proofing’s kind of on hold until I get the vote incentive out.




This is just absolutely brilliant, though I think they'd have to be a bit stoned too.

Marc Vun Kannon

So this is where her ironclad sense of morals comes from.


That is both hilarious and terrifying.


The sheer psychological damage this could do. Damn.


The last three panels had me almost literally ROTFL.


That next-to-last panel where that smile started to fade . . .


"... Oh shit, this prank had unintended consequences."

Michael Obert

A bit. Too much pot and they'd probably go further around the bend than they did there trying to figure out what's real and what's not.

Town Crier

Great prank! Worth every penny.


Wait... So if each 'new Harem' copy always copies the apperance of the blonde one... does that mean that not only is she the original but she Has a core original harem without which the others may not be able to exist/function? Or at least possibly may not be able to keep growing stronger to have more harem clones at a time?


that's actually a good question, what were to happen when the "original" Harem dies? do the others slowly start to wither away because they no longer have a Template to revert back to?

Demian Buckle

I wonder what the upper limit of duplicates is? Does she have any control of the physical age of the duplicate? I guess that would depend on how the duplicate is created.


I've always wondered about when she un-duplicates (neplicates?) herself, where does her clothes go? Hammerspace?


Yeeeaaahhhhhh. Totally believable for Harem.


Yeaaaah, you *really* shouldn't be playing with any of the "lunacy triggers" that casually, such as "it's all a simulation/dream/hallucination", "the world ends tomorrow" and "time rewinding, a'la Groundhog Day".


That is a damn good one.


Hate to tell you this guys, but you're not even NPC's, you're Extras!, not even important enough to have a name! Yes of course the world is virtual... Superpowers that defy the laws of the universe, how could THAT work


This is what real people with superpowers would do. Spend their time driving the rest of the world bonkers. If Sydney hadn't been worried about Men In Black and experimental surgery, she would have met Max while she was being arrested for goosing the mayor with a hentical. Or similar pranking.

Matthew Paulin

I get some major Calvin & Hobbes vibes from this prank. With the Duplicator and Transmogrifier he built out of a carboard box.


owwwww I snorted my coffee reading this, id so do it if i had the ability too lol

Ian Birchenough

You are a cruel, cruel, author todo this to your poor innocent characters - (funny though_