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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

Leon and Zephan are both thinking "just hire some fish researchers and slip one of our own guys in the group" or coral researchers or marine geologists or whatever. FYI, a "fish researcher" is an ichthyologist, but a guy who studies coral is just lumped in as a "Marine Zoologist" and that makes me wonder if research professions that have their own special title are hoity-toity and swing their big science dicks around and push more specialized scientists out of the line at scientist pot-lucks, or if the guys who research increasingly obscure subjects look at the ichthyologists and lepidopterist and act all snobby and barely regard them as scientists, and are like, "I was surprised he didn't end his paper on the migratory habits of Skipjack Tuna by asking the reader if they wanted fries with that." Murf murf murf murf! <-snooty laughter.

I mean, you gotta figure there's some kind of hierarchy among scientists, right? There's got to be some disciplines that "get all the chicks" and whatever. Like I assume the astronomers are the bullies to the astrophysicists, and everyone thinks the quantum particle theorists are like the chess club, but those guys get to look down on all the other disciplines as kind of remedial.

Anyway, what going on in this page? Oh, right, well, it's possible Sydney went swimming where few other people did, but even if she drifted out of bounds a bit, it's not like she would have been the first person ever to be near the area the orbs were found in. It's safer to assume either they were recently uncovered by some event, or there's just something about Sydney that attracted them.

And yes, Ma Scoville is the family enforcer. It's probably been like raising two children for the bulk of her adult life.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update: Getting Proofed!

Still getting proofed. Finished two proofer's notes, which makes checking everyone else's harder because half the stuff they catch is already fixed. Still, it's funny seeing some incredibly obvious error in the third guy's notes and thinking "well that's definitely already been fixed" only to realize that the first two (and myself) missed it. Hopefully by the time I get through everyone, the first "final" version will have fewer errors than the average pulp novel on Amazon. Well, fewer egregious ones, at any rate.



Michael Obert

Air quote battle:. Go!


If Sydneys type is "Taller than her" .. I think everyone is her type.

Mark Nach

Wait till they find out about the tall furry one.


They should just hire Sydney’s mom asap.


Sidney already introduced Sidney to Frix and revealed his height.

Etienne M.J. Dubourg

As someone with a PhD in theoretical computer science (so basically, math with a dash of computer science), I was never under the impression that there's such a hierarchy inside a field. (However, the math-physics opposition is well known, with mathematicians seeing themselves as having the "purer" discipline, and physicists regarding mathematicians as having their heads in the cloud or whatever. This is, of course, mainly played for laugh and an occasion to joke around.)

Josh Nakamoto

That third panel just killed me! I laughed so hard!

Christopher Upton

Apropos of nothing at all, I again noticed the plug for "An Orc at College" and it reminded me of a recent spate of books by H.P. Holo called "Monster Punk Horizon." The first book is eponymous and the next two books are out in print, eBook (Kindle Unlimited) and audio. between them, they have moved Heather into the #1 spot for SteamPunk fiction. They are short-ish reads and they are comedies and I'm not sure why they're in the SteamPunk category, but I've enjoyed them none the less.


Apocalypse fun times hooo! Additionally if you're looking for a fun series to read in the lit rpg setting I recommend the Dungeon Crawler Carl series. The 2 main characters are a blast. The second one has almost Sydney levels of distraction going on sometimes, leads to some fun moments.


Which is doubly hilarious as every physicist I have met (in the academic community) views engineering majors as not scientists at all while the engineering majors (even the ones getting PHD's) view physicists as having their heads firmly stuck in a frictionless featureless plane surrounded by a void....


She's also a Sapiophile, so one has to be tall AND smart. That makes the range of options considerably smaller.


Of course, there is nothing “public” or “relations” about covert intelligence gathering, so why would Arianna know anything about it? She, as Public Relations officer, would only get involved if they get caught.

Some Ed

And thus, her attitude is exactly appropriate. But since we assume that Leon and Zephan don't have a lot of experience with getting caught, I think we can easily understand their attitude as well.

Aaron Mauthe

Technically, TECHNICALLY, Sydney IS doing the job of embarrassing Sydney in front of the team. The blurb does not specify Jr or Sr, so Sydney is just doing his job!

Marc Vun Kannon

Actually, I don't think I've ever heard her say 'better safe than apocalypsed'.