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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

Let's celebrate arbitrary round numbers! Human nature! Woo!

Okay, seriously though, I'm kind of amazed we're here. It's not something I'd really given a lot of thought when I started this comic. Though I will say I thought it was at least possible, because I name my files "GP" followed by four digits, which means I'll have to wrap up the comic before page 9,999, or else the computer will sort them weird and my OCD won't put up with that.

I know this is almost definitely not how most military graduations go. I wasn't sure where everyone would stand and, look, I did pull up a few on youtube, but they're incredibly boring to watch. There was only so much marching up and down the square I was prepared to subject myself to. It only took me about 5 minutes of research to decide to skip 99% of that stuff in the comic, as it's all very definition of stiff and formal, and there's no room for anything humorous to happen without it coming across as disrespectful.

The other major factor here is Archon's domestic presence and media spotlight. The fact they're a new branch means they can streamline the pageantry and put as much emphasis as they want on the graduates themselves.

Sydney fell behind the other recruits due to her space adventures, but it was important from the public relations/perception angle that she graduate alongside everyone else, especially because she's basically the most famous member of the team with the possible exception of Maxima. So Sydney's been doing a little extra work here and there, getting some tutoring, etc., and has passed all her qualifications, even if some were by the skin of her teeth. (coughPTcough) Some of her written tests, like street level application of the law as it relates to supers is slightly more pending, but it's not like she's going to be unsupervised in the field anyway. Barring any additional encounters with wormholes.

I didn't draw Ren and, Vance, (who is still on the team even though I haven't drawn him in like 700 pages) in the lineup, cause I was thinking like that panel cut to them as the general is reading along the list of graduates, but it just kind of looks like just the 4 girls are graduating. Oh well.

Unrelated, has anyone done a mashup of Snap's "The Power" with Stan Bush's "The Touch?" Cause it seems like that should exist.

Happy Thanksgiving if you're into that stuff.

Here's to 1,000 more pages!

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Yup. Still working on it.




Trouble is LITERALLY her middle name. Nice.


Interplanetarialy she's just known as "Hotbreath".


Congrats on the 1000st page!


Well done, Dave... Well done.


Have we established that Sydney’s middle name is Trouble? I feel it’s been mentioned before but cannot recall offhand. Given her father’s naming practices… Yeah, I can believe it.


Well… her father did name her Sydney on the logic of wanting to call her Junior. Just as well that Sydney is considered gender neutral.

Thomas Dorner

Congrats on the 1000. (And there are tools to rename files based on rules like 'add a 0 in the middle'. ;-)


good question is it her middlename or just a nickname from the speaker (General?)


Or self chosen while she was filling out paperwork at Archon. And it is one the (many) things Max decided to just roll with.

Michael Obert

A fine 1000th page indeed.


Sounds like someone took a joke seriously at some point.


Congratulations on reaching four digits. I imagine that if you ever reach five, you'll have more to think of than just whether your computer sorts them correctly. Does it mean something that you and One Piece reach #1000 at almost exactly the same time?


How long did that officer practice the alien name to get it out right the first try?

Martin Drkoš

The ceremony has to be pretty short if they want Sidney to stand still trough the whole thing. Either that or Dabbler can have her in an invisible stasis field or something.


Great update! I can't remember if it was established that her middle name is Trouble before, but it is SOOO appropriate. Planet Flipside still wants you as a guest on Creators Corner. How does sometime in January sound?


Is her official middle name trouble? Did I never notice this before?


airborne seems like a waste of time for this group.

J. Kevin Carrier

Congratulations to both Sydney and Dave for reaching their respective milestones!


And if there weren't already tools, I could literally write a script in like 10 minutes, 9 of which would be me double checking that I'm remembering the syntax correctly.


Congratulations on 1000 pages. Also, I can't be the only one who half hopes Corporal takes the longer time of 3900ish pages (just round it up to 4000 pages so she gets her promotion on page 5000), if for no other reason than getting at least that many more pages.


Pedantic asshole that I am, I have to comment on the ladies' racks... Ribbon racks that is. The first being National Defense was a good choice, the second looks like the Navy's Sea Service, and I don't recognize the third at all. If those two ribbons are combat decorations (given the fights they were in while still in 'basic') they should be first, as the National Defense ribbon is an 'I was breathing during boot camp ribbon.

Erin Palette

I had to look up who Azarin Nazari was. If she's Jiggawatt, she doesn't look at all like I remember. I think we've had this answered before, but is Archon its own military branch or is it a division of the Air Force? Because those look like AF uniforms.


Congrats on 1000 pages. While everyone else is commenting about other graduates, or nitpicking the chest candy, I'm stuck on the fact that Syd's middle name is Trouble


Airforce uniforms and racks with Army Rank is a little cringy but, alright

Stephen Gilberg

The other three women in the last panel look almost like palette swaps.


Dave! Can we get a larger rez of the vote incentive?


Lead jump wings? Odd choice….


w000t! A THOUSAND!!! Seriously, Jake, you rock more than any other comic artist ever. Yay!


Certainly Sydney Trouble should have graduate alongside everyone else even though she fell behind the other recruits,. She's so cool))


Congrats from Denmark to your 1000th page! Since i know absolutely nothing about american uniforms, i refuse to join the nitpicking! ;-D


She's a nerdy normal human in a class with supers, she's doing great. Look, she's even keeping up with Kenya and snarking about it.


There is a way to run a script either in PowerShell if you're using Windows or Bash if you're using Linux/Mac to add in a leading zero in the middle of the filename.

Marc Vun Kannon

I remember when she was puking before the first turn, and now she's carrying on conversations with someone who has actual powers. Do they realize how awesome she is?

Marc Vun Kannon

It shouldn't be too hard to right a script to replace "GP" with "GP0" in all your filenames.

Vernon E. Parker III

She should have a uniform regulated poster tube so those things aren’t always floating around her head. She has to have some anonymity.

Richard du Maine

holup... sydney's middle name is ACTUALLY Trouble? damn...


I like Sydney's character and her involvement in space adventures)) This adds a specificity to the comic)


You COULD use a mass renamer to add an extra zero, if the comic ever carries that far. ;) Also man, the guy is GOOD. I half expected this comic to end with "Xochitl Axot ... Acxorlan Xox ... Xochike ... How do you pronounce that?!?" But hey, he is a professional!