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I started drawing this and honestly had the thought that I might shelve it so I could use this for a plotline setup in the comic itself. The Vallejo Glamor, not the Nude version, obviously. And while I reserve the right to do it at some point in the future, the one thing I learned from drawing this is that those tiny bikinis take a lot more effort than you might think. Sure, in the comic, the art wouldn't be nearly so fiddly and intricate, but Sydney's "Coin Mail" is right out, and I can also foresee Maxima's "Drizzled Metal" bikini just wildly morphing from page to page, not because it's supposed to me like a clingy T-1000, but because I just think I remember how it looks and don't bother checking and 5 pages later it looks suspiciously like Princess Leia's slave bikini. 

Though I will say the TOS Star Trek cloudy pastel backgrounds are a little easier to draw than perspective correct interiors. 




Yessssssssssss more dong!


Yessssssssssss more Sydney!

Merle Blue

Beefcake, cheesecake, it's all delicious! And the dialogue got a laugh out of me.

Michael Obert

Proof that Dabbler knows when something is TOO wrong with any given universe, lol. Seriously, the Vallejo filter for a planet is a pretty awesome idea. Well done!

Thomas Dorner

What a fantastic Coin Mail ...


Just reminding me why I like Dabbler's looks so much. Great body, nice face, interesting color scheme, two-for-one hugs, four-handed... Never mind.

Hespera Smith

Well....this provides some useful references I was looking for.


I do enjoy the intricate sword and sorcery armor.


While it may be a lot of work, the coinmail bikini looks fantastic.

Tim Latham

I have to wonder how Hiro is staying 'in control' of himself? LOL!

Les Bonser

More nude Sydney please. I feel for her in the Wearing the Cape cross-over, and she's the only reason I'm here. Thank you.


If the sword had been connected to a glove in Max's hand I'da gone for Witchblade rather than T-1000 myself. And things must be really in the crapper if Dabbler is the voice of reason :P


I love this it's exactly what I've been funding ... But I demand at least a sketch of Sydney's reaction when she grabs the com orb. Oooh no clothes ... Wait no clothes? And she starts to turn red as she looks down. Then again she's not got much hidden ... She'd need the shield orb to block the effects as well ..... I'm thinking too much let's just enjoy

William Elliott

aaah yes, Princess of Mars dress code. BARSOOM HO!


Sydney might think she is fat but those abs say otherwise, looking good hun! Also, is Maxima just naturally hairless or does she have like an industrial laser to shave?



Aaron Mauthe

I’m legitimately suspicious that not one of dabbler’s hands is doing anything to hiro


Is this the first Dong’s Ahoy? Pleasantly surprised.


Well dang, I need a what if storyline stat.


Always love the Sydney apeareances


Love the art and the little plot convo, in both pics. Also, I kinda expected Hiro to be more hung. Like, I get that he's soft, but given what we've had insinuated in previous comics I figured he'd be a bit bigger. Guess he's a big grower maybe.


Great one even if Hiro looks a bit out of it, (maybe its just his eye rings) Love it


I'm actually curious why Maxima has normal nipples, instead of golden ones...

Zip Zop

strangely silent and serious sydney?

Zip Zop

Also, Hiro looks like he's got invisible underwear or else his biology is trying to hide.


Just out of curiosity, Mr. Barrack, have you ever heard of Metrobay Comix?


Hiro's glans is oddly shaped. Normally it's a dome with a fully circular base. Hiro's seems to have a "notch" on the dorsal side. Can't think of any natural reason for this configuration. Something unusual in his back story maybe? :-/ All the females' anatomy follows the expected patterns but, given this is our first male presentation, will be something to expect in future such displays (assuming they ever happen again).

Vernon E. Parker III

Not that I am complaining, I am just curious. What happened to the Max in the sailor suit drawing?


There's also a question of just how he was able to be cut given that he's a super....do powers not manifest until puberty, or something like that, outside of odd backstories like Maxima and Sydney? (also, most europeans would say that the expected pattern is to not be cut; not trying to start a debate, just noting that as well)


Okay, am I missing something, or do male supers have no nipples? Or is it just the Vallejo Glamour?


I did actually draw them. They're just not prominent. I didn't make them dark enough I guess?

Bharda Sullivan

Omfg, a little warning, next time! X’D. I just snorted extra premium ginger beer out my nose, and I think some went into my sinuses & my ears. IT BURNS


Nice. Sydney looks so hot. Love naked Hiro as well, would like to see more of the male characters represented. Though if I were naked in that company I doubt I would be flaccid.

D.A. Lamont

"Boris Vellejo, the one true God." 😏 It's like you're practicing to illustrate more of Tamer. 💪😈

Kevin R Conk

The glamour apparently makes the nudity seem perfectly normal for regular daily thing, so there's no sudden realization bringing on the horny feelz... I would imagine that such occurrences would only take place when something additional takes place to stimulate the moment, such as a suggestive glance or touch or the right words. Otherwise Sydney wouldn't be so calm about being naked or not checking out naked Hiro.

Kevin R Conk

I'm happy to see Sydney naked again, but I'd like to know if we're ever going to see NSFW Arianna.


So I has question. If supers don't have body hair, and its something that they're born with. Does Max shave? She got her powers from geode goop, so the born-with-super-power-no-body-hair rule shouldn't apply to her. Should it?


Nude Sydney is always a pleasant one, but I admit I'm still hoping for more booty in these. Throw us ass men (and women/NBs) a bone, Dave!

Dr. Otter

I have been clicking back & forth for minutes, and I can't find any difference between images 3 & 4. What am I missing?

Kevin Wright

I love these, but I have one minor complaint. Sydney is fine, but I think Max and Dabbler's nips should be a bit further down. That tends to be the case with larger natural breasts. Sydney's more petite set allow hers to be higher. Minor quibble. It looks fine with the "armor", since it would likely be somewhat supportive, but unclothed they should be pointing more out, if not down. I've done a lot of, uh, research in this field, you see...


I keep receiving a repeating error…frustrating