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So Dabbler and Sydney are up late one evening on night watch but Dabbler has just discovered Cinemax...


Dabbler: And then... and THEN, it turned out... HER SISTER WAS THE WARDEN! Oh my gods you guys, it was the best movie I've ever seen! We should all watch it again tonight.

Most male teammates: I'll be there! 

Most female teammates: (BONKING HEADS ON COUNTERTOPS)

And, scene.


This is a redraw of a comic I did in 2011 I think, but never published. I had originally pictured the comic going through an establishment phase, and then taking occasional breaks from the storylines for little one-off moments like these. Which I guess I could still do. I just got wrapped up in the story telling and forgot.




What film is that? For research reasons ..


Asking for a friend...


Really cool to see the improvement in your work. Those were 10 years well spent.

Marc Vun Kannon

That is just so Dabbler, hogging the popcorn like that. No wonder Syd is so upset.


See, I was expecting the punchline to be something like "where is that planet and why have I never heard of it?" Or "huh. It wasn't like that when I was there."

Michael Obert

Lol; I remember those movies and I always wondered how much spray that had to use to keep the actress glistening the whole time.

Town Crier

That's right! Dabbler watches porn for the dialog and plot...


I suspect Sydney may not realize how much trouble she's in. (Or maybe she does)


Okay this made me laugh.

Cleodora Silvestri

Sidney: "Dabbler, your fourth hand better not be where I think it is!!!"

Merle Blue

Dang, your art didn't start out bad, but wow has it improved!


I'm surprised Dabbler didn't dress more 'casually' for movie night, nor did she convince Sydney to.


Started thinking about Dabbler somehow seducing Sydney and it occurred to me... why not illustrate "the impossible threesome" of Dabbler, Sydney and Max?

Anton Schleef

I think it's working better with these being side tidbits instead of having them interrupt the main story.


Our top science priority is now a NASA expedition to Lingerie Prison Planet. And bringng back something more interesting than moon rocks.


"Prisoner number 6969" is a nice touch.

Eric Loken

I love Sydney's expression: "Seriously?"" I'm reminded of back in our college days when we rented damn near everything at the local video store (this was back in VHS days, you know, when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth - before some of the reader's parents were even in High School!) We had rented a women in space prison movie, and it was so awful that the four or five us there were ignoring it to have separate conversations... until the lead actress bent over in front of the camera. The conversations stopped, we all made some noise like "oh!", she straightened up, and we all resumed our conversations.


I used to rent all sorts of B-movie schlock like that. Now it's all fodder for Rifftrax.

Andrew Denton

I've never seen Dabbler look more adorable.

Christopher Upton

Is it bad that my favorite panel is the last one with Dabbler's reaction?


Thanks for spoiling the ending for me! Sheesh!


Don't worry about it. Intrigue heats up for Season 2. Thank you, Netflix.


Honestly, I'm enjoying how utterly adorable Dabbler is looking.


and the "are you effin serious?" look sydney is givin her

Ian Marsh

Try Prison Ship Star Slammer, one of Fred Olen Ray's "masterpieces" 😉


"going through an establishment phase" Like... being in a "let me back up a few months" flashback for 11 years?

Gary Sumners

You man "lingerie", I presume....


Man, I was all like...Sydney and Dabbler NSFW?!?!?! That is weird....but now I need to see it!!!! Which meant I was disappointed with the subject matter but oh well. The artwork is lovely as always.


There is a suspicious absence of a visible lower left Dabbler arm combined with a strategically placed popcorn bowl. I'm not saying I know what Dabbler is doing with that hand, but I am saying Sydney might be suspicious as well.


Dabbler.EXE has momentarily stopped working. Try again later


Reboot! Reboot! REBOOT!

Beryllium Mask

Late response, but do we WANT to know where Dabbler's fourth hand is? My guess the bowl of popcorn is where it is on purpose.


Kinda am hoping for a Sidney Halloween cosplay for the next reward