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The problem with someone who speaks in 18 point monster font is that you can only fit so much per page. I'll probably have to lower his volume quickly. (For reference, the normal dialog font is 6.5 point.)

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

It's getting close! At least the end of the fight scene is. The chapter is also pushing 10K words by itself so a separate wrap up chapter might be in order. Man, I am not good at planning this stuff out, am I?



Just Jack

Oh dear! This is going to hurt, isn't it?


Oooooh, now he's bloody well done it.

James C

“Possibly”? (Also, Tom's lack of an actual mouth is… suitably disconcerting for a demon-thing)

Marc Vun Kannon

The real question is, does he have an anus for her to shove that finger into, once she's snapped it off? And I have to admire her composure in the face of stinky demon-breath strong enough to keep her hair streaming behind her like that.

Martin Drkoš

The text taking up more space on the page makes me kind of think that it represents time rather than volume. In that he speaks slowly.


Honestly, it would be more interesting I think if this was Not a case of him being grossly overconfident. (though watching him be humbled should be fun too)


Dabbler beat him. And Max is at least on par with Dabbler. And with Sydney, Hiro, and even Vehemance, yeah, at the very least it’s a fair fight not in his favour.


Also. He’s basically just declared he’s attacking earth. Does he really think that military supers will let that happen without bringing EVERYTHING THEY HAVE? Is he really that confident in his powers?


Him? yes. It's going to hurt him a great deal. His pride, in particular, is going to take a very long time recovering from what is about to happen to him.


Someone is getting punted through his portal.

Alex H

"I have an army!" "Well I have a Halo."


That is what struck me as well. He just threatened the head of a team tasked with defending the planet with, "make me happy or see your planet destroyed"..... I think he is about to learn a very fast lesson in the importance of information gathering BEFORE taking action that leads to military conflict if you want to have any chance of not losing.


I'm sure he doesn't really need that finger.


Incidentally, that would be Mr. P. Fresh.

Town Crier

Oh my! He done jus' poked da ba'ar! Dabbler summons bowl of popcorn...

Kaelzaad(The Silverback Grizzly)

Yup. He did it. He touched her. Seems like we're about to find out how well-earned that Dominus Secunde title is. :P


Dude... You did NOT just poke her in the stomach like that... Yeah, well I guess you just did... Tom old boy, if Dabbler doesn't wipe the valley with you, Max will. And if that weren't bad enough, I think you might have just pissed off Sydney. And she's smart, gern savy and has ADHD, so, there is LITERALLY no telling how creative she will get when dealing with you...


Aaaand smash cut to him begging for mercy


Well, Tom, been nice knowing ya.


Well, dead demon walking


Meanwhile Vehemence sneaks through the portal... somewhere where he can go on a rampage and not be pulled up short by our heroines? Heck, half the beings there might be powered just like him! Could be the chance a not exactly reformed villain is looking for!


Seems Tom has pulled himself the rest of the way through the portal. Do we know yet what would happen if (just a random thought) Maxima stuffed his head back through the portal (keeping her own appendages clear) and then Dabbler dispelled it? I'm sure it's an experiment that has been tried on a smaller scale, if only by accident...

Michael Gulick

I suspect the warning "Touch me again and you pull back a bloody stump" might be appropriate in this situation.


Really looking forward to what's coming next


I know this trope has a different name, but my friend and I would call this "Mugging a Werewolf". Ole Thothogoth...Tom...Tommy-boy is about to find out how that is NOT a good thing.


So . . . Thothogoth arrives through a space-warping portal and comes burdened with glorious purpose. That's sure to end well.


next panel Max is breaking off that finger..


I'm just wondering what his 'wings' do, they obviously don't let him fly, and they wouldn't even if they had skin flaps - thank you square cube law

Andrew Denton

" The chapter is also pushing 10K words by itself so a separate wrap up chapter might be in order. Man, I am not good at planning this stuff out, am I?" Yesss, feel the words flow through you...

D.A. Lamont

He obviously doesn't like that finger. 😏😈


Yeah. I hoped that he'd properly introduce himself and get an incredibly huge ID document from his pants, only to realize he should probably make himself smaller to make it inspectable.


Now we see how Max is on inter-dimensional diplomacy.


I noticed his lack of a mouth as well. It makes me wonder what the mandibles are for, since if he bites something he can't swallow. I also wonder how he talks, since he apparently has no airway, lungs, or voicebox (or even a tongue and lips to help shape sounds)...some sort of magic effect, most likely.

Jack Ponder

And here...we...go...


"You'll be sorrrrryyyyyy!" - B. Bunny


I give her a D-. But then diplomacy is not in her job description.


He's about to get a manicure, just like Vehemence got. and that's the only warning shot he will get.


Bad enough he lost a fight with his girlfriend. Now he's going to lose a fight with his girlfriend's boss. A mere mortal at that.


Max is more the "show, not tell" school of repartee.


The first thing to be dispelled will be Tom's ego. Then that ridiculous Growth spell.


He just triggered Bitchus Primus. This will not look good on his quarterly evaluation.


I just had a horrible flash. Tom drains his reserves trying to avoid Max's wrath and we see the real him sans all spells; Woody Allen.

Marc Vun Kannon

Speaking of which, where is Vehemence in all this? Making his escape, perhaps? Or will he see eternal violence with Thothogoth's armies as a good thing and try to join up?


Tom being an arrogant meathead drawing back a bloody stump is a perfectly good visual joke. ...what if he isn't? What if he's taunting the dynamite monkey to find out what kind of loose cannon (literally) that Max might be? What is Dabbler going to do when her ex is threatening her current boss and future lover, and all her friends? Max might not even get first whack at Tom...

Eric Loken

Oh this is about to get *really* messy.... Technically, assault on a police officer... uttering threats... no entry visa or passport... an apparent declaration of war on the Earth... Max who can take down capitol ships, Syd who has the firepower, shielding, and propulsion of a first rate battleship, Xuriel who is known to have damn near every toy imaginable up her sleave.... And Kevin never did dump all his energy, he might get to have a grand ol' fight after all. Right now Tom is looking to get a beat down from Max, but if he actually brings his army through, well... I think it will suck to be them.


He's going cry every time someone asks, "Dude! What happened to your hand?"


I remember one game where the armies involved were called "popcorn". Because that's how the monsters treated them. Max and Co. may not eat them but the old smoking boots effect is going to happen.