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These action pages don't always leave a lot to talk about. Vehemence tries to punch Ren, Ren hits first, blows are exchanged, V gets knocked through a cliff. Okay, that's a little more interesting.

I've called Ren's power super adrenaline, and that's basically what it is, but in some ways he almost kind of works like a Barbarian from Diablo 3, where the longer a fight goes on, the more access to amazing powers he has. Yeah, in a lot of ways, he's actually very similar to Vehemence, though Veemy gets stronger from any violence happening in his vicinity. Ren has to be much more of an active participant, and it's not like he develops the ability to talk with fish or anything. I mean he gets progressively stronger, tougher, faster and heals faster. When he first discovered his powers, his "Rage Meter" topped out at Ten. When he sparred with Max, he was nearing Fifty. Right now he's pushing Sixty, Sixty-Five. His training has expanded his pool, but he's constantly spending that pool when he moves fast, heals, etc.

So to answer Sydney's question, he'll definitely hit his cap before Vehemence does. Another five years of training? The two of them might actually be able to fight each other to a standstill. Except, as we saw in his first appearance, Vehemence can start basically making up powers when he has a massive amount of energy to throw around. It's like a mage with the ability to cast any spell he's ever seen, but if he hasn't studied it, the mana cost is multiplied 10 times. And in Vehemence's case, he's got phat mojo to drop. So Ren by himself wouldn't be able to beat Veemy in straight fight, but he'll eventually be a significant addition to the team's punch factor.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Very nearly done with what I thought was going to be the final chapter. It actually still might be. I'll have to see how it goes. I think the book will end better on an action scene, so I'm going to play with it.




The delightful irony here is that Vehemence got exactly what he wanted. He wanted to feel his energy levels escalate and fight the most powerful beings in the world. I guess that's why he's easier to deal with now?

Marc Vun Kannon

Uh-oh. Sydney should not have said that. Guess which A-lister will take him on. I would be interested to see Vehemence and her square off, considering the respect he obviously has for her.


Is there a DING! when he levels up?


I almost feel sorry for him. Cue flashback to Syd's first fight at the bank.


Not having to scrape for his next meal and being able to control/release his energy probably has something to do with it as well.

Stephen Gilberg

I thought For Whom the Death Tolls was the only guy who copied observed powers.


He doesn't copy powers as such, from that explanation, but rather he can just sort of wing it by brute-forcing a spell that does what he wants by burning power on it until it works.

Paul Rendell

I love just how ridiculous and random some of the onomatopoeia are in this comic. "CHUD"? What the hell does "CHUD" sound like?

Eric Loken

I hadn't thought of that, if he just wants to fight tough opponents and get 'fed', being ARC-SWATs training dummy would be a pretty good gig.


CHUD sounds like hitting a big bag of cement with a sledgehammer.