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Double res post of the comic for supporters. Thank you and enjoy!

Made some minor art edits on this one to make the action clearer. Specifically panels 6 and 8 are zoomed out a bit.




It's mainly your creative way of writing super powers and the details that you go into them make me love your work. I mean there are many other reasons ranging from the sexiness to the comedy of the material but as a nerd, this attention to detail is the most awesome.


poor Sydney X3


Did one of Harem just conveniently have a hammer? Or was there simply a long awkward pause between panels four and five while she looked for and found a hammer to vorp into the room?

Steven Normington

If pain in one of Harem's bodies affects all of hers, shouldn't the opposite be the case? If she takes a painkiller (OTC if Doc GMC is being stubborn) shouldn't that painkiller reduce or eliminate the pain they feel?


I think most painkillers work by interfering with the transmission of the pain message to the brain, not by changing the brain itself. So if the pain signal reaches one of her brains, the rest should feel it regardless of how much painkillers they're using.


Yeah if this was animated there'd be a beat pause mid sentence. Or possible one of them was down with Arc-SPARQ and was sitting right next to a hammer.