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Skipping over bedroom shenanigans. There could be some cute and awkward pre-game moments to be had there, but I'll leave that stuff up to you guys to fill in. As well as jokes about other things being filled in.

Using a prisoner as a punching bag under normal circumstances is obviously a horrific idea. In a world with super powers... there can be legitimate reasons for it. Weird, rare reasons. Like someone needing the occasional injection of Vitamin V. (V, in this case, does not stand for Velocity, 5, Vanadium, or alien lizard people)

Yes, literally the only reason Kevin started off with a boxer's robe and hand wraps was for the barely-a-reveal in the final panel. Also he wanted to jog out into the middle of the quarry like Rocky.

I'm going back to the black ink lines for a bit. I don't like them as much, but it does save me at least an hour of work. On top of that I'm going to try and simplify the coloring just a bit, because it has been taking me an average of 5 and a half to 6 days to get two pages done each week, which doesn't leave a lot of time for nudie pinups or writing. (He said after posting a double sized page.) If I can get comic time down to 5 days, that will give me a little more breathing room and should speed up work on side projects like novels. Speaking of which...

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Almost finished the second to last chapter. Like there's literally a dozen paragraphs left, but instead of doing that tonight I have to post some superheroine comic I've been working on. I am going to have to back up and do a little editing, because a new character's behavior fluctuates too much from one moment to the next. I want them to develop one way, but my default writing flow is pulling them in another.




I had my suspicions from the hands :D Mostly from scale.

Martin Drkoš

So does he need vitamin V to survive or was he on good behavior so they let him have a treat?


The boxing wrap and robe (and shaved head) actually reminded me of Sagat!


He still has no martial prowess, just exponentially increasing power. Might or might not be what she signed up for. If what Kevin does CAN actually be learned, this was a huge mistake.


I actually like the black ink lines..


Alien girls body language in that last frame... "Oh crap!"

Michael Obert

Have to intercede with the Psych here. "Wait for iiiiiiiitttttt"

Marc Vun Kannon

That's awfully big, awfully fast. He was normal size at the Big Fight and didn't get this large for a long time. Did he not shrink back down? If he's starting out with some sort of Vitamin V deficiency I'd expect him to start out small, and then grow back up to normal size as he got better.

Marc Vun Kannon

They should have hooked her up with the martial arts guy. Neither of them would ever be seen again. Maybe that's why they didn't.


I missed Kevin, he’s as genre savvy as Halo and is just a fun villain. I’m just wondering if Detla will find him mask worthy.


Whole-grain mustard? Pfffft. Try the Russian one (its milder version is called "brown mustard" in U.S.).

Stephen Gilberg

I'm surprised they'd employ Kevin this way. I mean, do they really have assurance that he won't turn around and use his renewed strength against them? Or that they can subdue him at least as easily as before?


put the shield bubble around him and let him start burning oxygen.

Kenneth Winkelman

Or you could try something with a bit more bite, like a good stone ground German Mustard.


Kinda wondering if Sydney is hovering for reasons not related to being lazy and liking to fly whenever possible😈

William Elliott

or maybe he figured out he'd get more energy and satisfaction if he just played ball with the good guys, instead of being locked up in the isolated happy room wasting away. For all his flaws, Kevin was NOT stupid.


its more of an unleash as far as i got it, he has tanks but doesn't need to go to max output always


So, here's what I suspect is going on. Earth just survived an attempted invasion, followed immediately by a major super brawl in one of its cities with several alien tourists as witness. Clearly, the cat is out of the bag as far as the galaxy is concerned. I imagine that what makes the most sense now is to give humans the reputation of "Yeah, most of us are...average in strength and intelligence. But do you really want to chance it that whoever you're about to mug ISN'T a super?" Kinda like the mustard donut prank at Karneval in Germany


I suspect one of the bribes were "Okay, you know USA gets into A LOT of wars, right? Well, if you sign up..." And of course, there is probably some clause for "at least one superfight a week, or two serious sparring sessions". It would fit with them throwing Kevin at Miss Mask.


I usually pair violence with wasabi and a dash of soy.


I'm hoping that the next vote incentive/nudie will involve Sydnie and Strix's night together, or at least a size comparison.


Per cast profile, Sydney 5'0" (60"). Upload file size 38.1cm, 38.1/2.54(cm per inch)=15 inches. 15/60=1 to 4 "file size" to height. There's your comparison and that's some kinda potion.

Marc Vun Kannon

The only problem with that idea is that once she gets back in the galaxy, the galaxy may decide to try and keep us and our gods of violence and goddesses of ash trapped in our gravity well for as long as they possibly can. Either that or surrender.

Marc Vun Kannon

He could make a case that he was a junkie in need of a fix, and they could be trying something to keep his addiction in check.

Eric Loken

Considering how much trouble he gave them last time, is letting him out of his 'mellow room' really a good idea?