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Is casually standing on water sacrilegious? I'm sure someone could take offense to it, but then people can take offense to basically anything. (A fact which clearly invalidates all peoples' feelings in all matters.) Does Max care? She does not. She actually thinks it's kind of funny, especially when she walks over a deep pothole filled with water, but she flies so that her shoe doesn't get wet, but the person behind her thinks it's a shallow puddle because it looked like Max barely made the surface ripple and suddenly they're shoulder deep.

Max knows officers aren't supposed to project their emotions at their subordinates, and if the team was in the field, or if she was standing on the bridge of her own Naval vessel, she certainly wouldn't. But right now she just wants half an hour to decompress because she knows there's a buttload of paperwork waiting for her. Unfortunately, Archon HQ is chocked full of distractions and crazy people, so she has to herd the cats before anything else can happen.

This is largely her own fault though, since she is so permissive when it comes to "around the base" discipline. As long as her people do their jobs and obey orders in the field, she's usually okay with a little goofing around on downtime. She's always been of the opinion that Supers by and large don't respond well to crushing authoritarianism. Which is more likely to be true among Supers than mudbloods for entirely predictable reasons. Still, running a much tighter ship wouldn't have saved her from much of the aggravation she's already dealt with today.

I've never really developed the skill to draw Hiro the way I wanted. I picture him somewhere between the square jawed Daniel Dae Kim (you'd mostly know him from Lost. He was also in 168 episodes of the new Hawaii Five-0, but I've never once heard anyone talk about that show except for when a bunch of asian actors walked because the white actors were getting paid way more, because, you know, the world sucks) mixed in with the more rugged look of Hiroyuki Sanada (Sunshine, Inception and about a thousand other things.) He's supposed to be "make women walk into walls and trip over things" handsome, but clearly I'm a ways from achieving that with my art.




Just guessing the "special training" is quite likely to be of the intimate variety.

Michael Obert

Teleporting gives you a + 10 to your steal scores. Ninja'd, yo!


If you ever saw Crusade, which was a spin-off of Babylon 5 that ran 12 episodes, Daniel Dae Kim was the first officer of the ship the show was set on.

Town Crier

Nah. They're military officers. We like to blow sh!t up to relax. That, or it's whiskey and bagpipes.


Maybe Cora hooked them up with a spaceship salvage yard where they can Kaboom without reservation.


Anyone else think an Official Handbook of the Grrl Power Universe would be fun?


Special training could "just" be a backrub she can actually feel without using a jackhammer or 20lbs sledge. And backrubs hardly ever lead to anything else, right? 😉

Stephen Gilberg

I forgot that Hiro could do that. For a moment, I saw Harem's purple hair and thought Maxima was behaving unusually.

Kenneth Winkelman

Rank has it's privilege's and it's drawbacks.

Erin Palette

Yeah, I'm going to have to call BS on the "skirting an HR violation" comment, and I'm really getting tired of Maxima being on a high horse while ogling Hiro (this is at least the 2nd or 3rd time she's done it). Hiro was dressed appropriately and was the victim of sexual harassment. His superior officer then basically said "Nah, it's fine that you were harassed by Harem, I like to see you topless." Following this logic, Hiro countered with "If that's the case, how about you take off your top?" and _that's_ somehow an HR violation? Get over yourself, Maxima. If this were the real military then Hiro could file a complaint against YOU for condoning sexual harassment.


This is just how the two of them kinda sorta flirt. You're totally right though, it would be unacceptable in most situations, but Hiro himself is far more concerned about the precedent it sets (continues) than he is about someone stealing his shirt. Harem didn't even destroy it or anything. Plus, Harem is definitely still getting potato duty. Max recognizes the discipline issue, she just wanted a moment to sightsee.


i've always pictured Hiro as being played by Ian Anthony Dale


Is Hiro supposed to be walking on water too? I don't remember that being in his powerset. EDIT: Nevermind! Cast page says he flies! Guess I just didn't remember him doing it. :D

Nicholas Grey

Seems kind of harsh to point the HR violation at *Hiro* rather than Harem.

Nakia Callaway

I think he was in one of the shots carrying the busses.


Apparently Hiro doesn't want to add to his paperwork load by reporting her, while Max is <i>horrible</i> at flirting. Because flirting was totally not what <i>I</i> was thinking on reading that.


I'd long thought that in comic book worldbuilding, human-like beings with super strength must have the regular range of tactile sensations. Beyond that normal human range, there must be a nonlinear proportion of sensation to great forces, otherwise using great strength would be unbearable at *best*.

Eric Loken

I assume then that Hiro also has the crazy deep voice that you don't normally expect from Asian guys (both Daniel Dae Kim and Hiroyuki Sanada have super deep voices). This too probably helps with the distraction level.