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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now. Oh, also you can left click then use the scroll wheel to zoom in and click and drag the image. I just figured that one out myself.

To get the full impact of this page, you really have to imagine panels 3 and 9 happening in extreme slow motion. Panel 9 especially, because Maxima used super speed to whip around to see what was happening, so she caught sight of Frix at about 10,000 frames per second, in slow motion camera terms.

Drawing wet fur is a pain in butt, in case you were wondering. And yes, I know, Frix's fur is at once both short enough to reveal his underlying musculature, and fluffy enough for Sydney's face to sink into several inches. It's space-fur, what do you want me to tell you?




"Not as easy as you thought, is it?" "She's in ABSolute heaven."


Now they all smell like wet dog

Marc Vun Kannon

The triumphant return of...The List!

Force Gaia

Frix's face is hilarious


Even though there wasn't anything broken this time around, everybody there got Frixed.


How many non-restricted areas of the building are there? Hope Detla doesn’t have to hang out on the sexual detritus couch, people might get the wrong idea.


...or the right one, depending on how interested Dabbler is.

Ian Brown

Frix shaking reminds me of the time Adam Savage got slapped in the face in slow motion to test if getting slapped will sober you up! Youtube that shit. It's hilarious!

Town Crier

Sydney has been pre-moistened for this evening's events.

Stephen Gilberg

Come on, Sydney; you've used the tub as your make-out place at least twice. Don't tell me you don't like Frix wet.


Gotta love that Maxima is a good friend. Love the bond between her and Kenya.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Literally laughed out loud at panel 9. Scared the hell out of everybody in the room... one of whom was sleeping.


Love Maxima's little "pfft" expression, 's a perfect touch


don't worry you can cut hair/fur that way and/or if it grows the same length on the areas you can see underlying forms

Daniel Jones

Nice job on the shake.


Fibonacci curves - GO!


Great, now I got a big case of the feels for Detla. No, not the Math kind, either. :( Seems like a good girl in a bad situation.