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Double res post of the comic for supporters. Thank you and enjoy!




Envisioning: He was thinking of an ad campaign with Maxima wearing only the boots.


The boots she's gonna kick him with for mentioning the campaign concept. ;p


I like the possibility that he actually meant tasteful boot modeling (fully clothed and everything) but only she thinks he means something else.

Stefan J Neylon

Well even he has to know she won't settle for wearing only the boots for this, if she can get her to do it at all. Given the look on her face it seems he has a shot at getting her to do something.


I could see her modeling the boots. Just the boots. Leads to a certain song however. "Walking all over..." Probably barely safe to just envisioning it.


I'm wondering how serious and straightforward this is. Evil scheme radar pinging, but could it be a false positive?


panel 5 may be my all-time favorite pic of Maxima, by quite a bit. nice job capturing her expression. :)