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Oh shit, he's dating a lizard person, get it!?

Or possibly some sort of hillbilly. It's even odds if you're wanting to put money on it.

This is admittedly just a weird transitional page that doesn't do a lot more than kind of develop some, at best, tertiary characters. Had I a more rigorous editorial process, I might have been talked into skipping it, but I don't have enough of a buffer to make that kind of call the same night I'm posting the new page.

If this page doesn't give you much to discuss, we can instead all hate on daylight savings time, which is a stupid thing that no one can justify and why don't 80% of the clocks in my house automatically set their own time by calling into that time-radio station thing for clocks? Also, why does my microwave and toaster oven need to know what time it is? It's not like I'm going to leave a raw chicken breast in the microwave for 4 hours while I go out and run errands and see a movie, then expect to come home to a piping hot and probably slightly slimy piece of chicken that I set up with a time delay cook. (Also I probably wouldn't cook raw chicken in the microwave. I was just trying to be gross.)



Lord Crusade

Daylight savings time can go suck the (real or metaphorical) dick of whoever conceived the idea in the first place. You know who you are... even if your likely very dead by this point.


Why can't it be a hillbilly Lizard person?


Also my coffee percolator needs a clock so it knows to start brewing 15 minutes before my alarm goes off.


Well you are lucky you only get dylight saving time half of the year instead of your countries rulers think they are really smart by making it permanent to increase electric consumption at winter to get more bills....... Sigh

Anton Schleef

What do you mean half? We barely get 4 months of Standard Time. Also, Daylight Savings Time was originally thought up to decrease the amount of electricity used by making it so people could have daylight for longer into the evening, at least according to clocks, and would use their lights less. Of course, when you need the lights for longer in the morning that argument doesn't stand up well. Add in modern appliances and household electronics and even incandescent bulbs don't contribute that significantly to the average households electricity consumption. There were studies nearly 20 years ago in the US showing that the electricity savings from it were borderline negligible. Any household using CFL, or even better LED, bulbs today is already saving more than DST would save them, and the savings from DST drop down to roughly 1% on average. At that point it stops making any meaningful difference, especially as depending on the type of hours you work it can increase your electricity consumption instead (enough so that on the large scale it nearly negates the energy savings).


I feel like my sarcasm being lost and 4 months of standard time is still better than none

Ian Brown

Good Ol' Ben Franklin. When he's not being electrocuted by kites, he's screwing with our perceptions of time and wrecking our sleep rhythms.


Maybe they’ll meet an alligator in the sewer!


I love that shes in a less exaggerated version of the same pose as lizard boy

Town Crier

Minnesota has a bill up to remove DST.

Stephen Gilberg

I for one don't mind this page at all.

Marc Vun Kannon

Interesting that the lizard guy and the blonde girl both have the same postures walking away. Do they both just love love, of is something deeper going on?


Ain't no way sewer water is that clean.

Eric Loken

At the hospitals in which I work for, the carts that keep the food chilled until it is time to heat it up for the patients are timed so that the food is ready in time for the regular meal times. 7 to 8 am (it takes time to deliver the food to all the rooms, so the different units are set for slightly different times), 11 am to 12 pm, 5 pm to 6 pm. The clocks on the carts are built to automatically switch for daylight savings time. You can't tell it to NOT do this. One small problem... we don't do DST here, so every spring and fall the clocks go out by an hour and now the patients' food isn't ready when it is supposed to be, so we have to go through and manually reset all the clocks. All because a hundred years ago some people thought it a good idea to shift the clocks around in the hopes it would save some coal. Recent studies however have actually found that it *increases* power usage, not decreases it, plus all the other effects of screwing around with the internal clocks of everyone.

Joseph Bonnar

Your sarcasm wasn't lost on me. :) I would argue that Daylight Savings Time makes people tetchy.


what do you mean clean its glowing blue, fells more like its not brown becaue the chemicals let it iluminate


DST is handy for those who work outdoors, or who don't turn on their lights until its actually dark.

Donald Randolph

"those who work outdoors" used to be aimed at farmers, but (before electricity) they worked sun-up to sun-down, regardless of what a mere clock said. I have an alarm clock that sets itself. But is old enough to not have the current DST algorithm. So I have to change the time zone it thinks it is in at the current official date. Then offset it again when its (not update able) firmware thinks it is time to switch. A minor hassle, not enough to force me into buying a new one.