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Double res post of the comic for supporters. Thank you and enjoy! (Sorry this one took so long to get posted, apparently I don't know how to work the alarm on my phone.)




How much does she need every day? Also, what are the side effects of skipping?


what happened to being in the shop in the mornings?


One skipped day won't have side effects. I'm on close to the max dosage of my ADD meds, and I can go a week without feeling any side effects from not medicating. Much longer than that though, and I might start getting a little shaky. That said, the amount that stays in the system (preventing side effects) is definitely not enough to function at max capacity...which is why I only go off meds on vacation or weekends.


Looks like Sydney is still subject to the Bang! factor of firearms, (the combination of flash, noise, and recoil that every newbie has to deal with). It'll take a bit, but she'll get over it. And as for the shop, weren't they going to be closed for a few days for invetory and restocking? If that's true, then she'll be pretty free to get her training in.


Since I pledged my meager contribution expecting nothing, and as I've already become a spoiled elitist who won't deign to read the "small version" of the comic with "the masses," I went ahead and added a couple of bucks to my pledge. It won't change your lifestyle, but at least it makes me feel slightly less of a douchenozzle. :)


Your contributions to the funds are appreciated by everyone else who contributes, even if we're happy to read the standard version with the rest of the hoi polloi. ;-]


So poor Sydney has to re-do all the course work for the whole day? That sucks.