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I like how it's the act of merely stamping a printout of the LLC filing that takes away HenchWench's powers. Although, using devil/fae rules, Arianna probably had to sign the line under the stamp before it affected her. Normally, someone would have to actually submit the suspended form with whatever office deals with that stuff for it to work, but as mentioned, Arianna has special lawyer powers.

If the stuff Arianna is saying is legal nonsense, I may go back in and edit some stuff based on comments. I googled around a bit and it seems like LLC's are filed with a state's Secretary of State office. Actually it seems like they deal with a lot of business stuff, but I'm still kind of guessing.

In audiobook news, Aether's Revival book 2 is available in the spoken word format. It's recorded by Andrea Parsneau, and while I usually prefer dual narrators to avoid bad falsetto/truesetto, Andrea is the woman of 350 voices. Maybe 375. I know "1,000" makes for better marketing, but it's always hyperbolic. Even Mel Blanc was realistically topping out at like, 400.

I've never read cultivation novels before this series. Actually, I'm not sure I knew what cultivation was. For those of you who don't, it was largely pioneered in eastern literature, and is kind of like LitRPG, except instead of leveling up from experience points or whatever, the heroes of cultivation novels do a lot of homework, meditate a lot and pop a plethora of pills. Like, mana pills, I guess. They fight stuff too, but it's not like a 350 page dungeon crawl either.

It sounds tedious riveting, I know, but Schinhofen's books have always been a bit more methodically paced/slice of life-y, which, I assume if you're reading this comic, has at least some appeal to you. Schinhofen also did the Binding Words series, which is one of my favorites and I've recommended it here before.




This is one of the best scenes EVER! I've been wracking my brain the last weeks trying to find a way you're likely to defuse henchwench, but this one is way better than anything I've got.


Andrea Parsneau is an awesome narrator ! I follow William D. Arands various universe book and she's great. I did notice Henchwench has grown her 2 missing teeth back. Does she have other powers we don't know about?


Despite not liking Arianna ever since the bank incident, I have to admit that was an effective solution. And though I'm surprised devil/fae powers cared about mortal law, it's far better than letting her become the next diner fight scene (aka: really long).

Paul Rendell

The most hilarious thing about this to me is that not only can her powers tell when her employment has been suspended but actually cares about the fact that it has been.


Wait... Arianna just defeated a super that Maxima was having trouble with*, with lawful authority? Damn! I love this comic. Talk about having the right skills for the job. I'm sure Arianna loves being able to put that on her list of accomplishments


I think that Henchwench's powers ARE Super based, but, like all other supers, knowone knows why it works like that. And since the contract, the LLC, was made using mortal law, the powers would have to respond to that. That's how a lot of contract magic works, it has to respect whatever system formed it.

Marc Vun Kannon

Who cares if its gibberish in this world. Your world, your rules. I would have liked Arianna to somehow take over the LLC, though, and Henchwench spend the rest of the series as her intern.

Anton Schleef

That would've been hilarious. Still, who's to say that won't end up being Henchwench's community service portion of her punishment, after all she just announced she's a paralegal, and she was probably the one who created the contract which managed to at least partially impress Arianna.

Marc Vun Kannon

That's probably what's so satisfying to her, that she one-upped Maxima, with her feet up. I sometimes think Maxima uses these guys as practice, though. She knows she can trash them so she just spars with them instead. Her only real limitation seems to be collateral damage.

Anton Schleef

Andrea Parsneau is a great narrator. What's truly impressive is when you manage to find one of the audiobooks with a bloopers portion at the end. In those you get a chance to hear her natural voice, and you'd never think she'd be able to hit those low ranges if you heard it first. Seriously, I'm a guy, and although my natural voice isn't especially deep I don't struggle with the majority if the lower range, but she can handle voices low enough I'd struggle horribly trying to do them. In fact, the only narrator I've heard who I consider about equal to her is Mare Trevathan, who narrated Perilous Waif (it's a sci-fi novel), The God-King's Legacy (currently a trilogy, mix of fantasy, cultivation, and dark humor), and The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons (also currently a trilogy, less blood and gore than the previous one but similar since it's the same author, and if you're familiar with Final Fantasy classes you have a good idea where it's going). They're the only two who are enjoyable enough to listen to that I've been considering looking up audiobooks because they narrated them, rather than because I like the author. As for the comic..........it makes sense that you'd use a master of the legal system to deal with someone who is manipulating it. This is probably just one of the more extreme examples of "The pen is mightier than the sword." you could find out there.


Thanks for the random ADHD rabbithole looking into New York LLC laws. Seems that suspending an LLC is neigh on impossible, however. It is surprisingly easy to dissolute it entirely. Articles of Dissolution must be filed, and can be filled out by any "Authorized person" though the reason for dissociation has to be listed as a specific thing. Out of the options available, "The entry of a decree of judicial dissolution." seems most promising.

Dave Warren

Honestly, Henchwench has proven effective enough that if she weren’t a reader OC I’d suggest recruiting her as a reform case

james hales

I love this so much!


Just going to point out that Arianna should probably be calling herself Head Counsel rather than Council, since I'm pretty sure she means in the legal sense rather than some actual shadowy council that directs Archon...

Christopher Upton

I've been thinking about HW's powers...I think she's MUCH more powerful than she's showing. If her powers are truly contract-based, she wouldn't need to see the LLC be suspended. As presented, I believe her powers are self-limited because the scare the SNOT out of her on a sub-conscious level.


Notice is generally required for extra-judicial actions. I'm only surprised they didn't need a process server.

Stefan J Neylon

I guess she's lucky that the sudden lose of her powers didn't kill her while she was in that form.


Interesting, the merge fixed her missing teeth?


Because of the way her powers have been shown to work so far, I can’t help but feel like they were a granted power by some nefarious being that was impressed by Henchwench’s ability to manipulate contracts.

Daniel Schinhofen

That schinhofen guy is distracting you, and should be told to stop

Michael Obert

I love HW's 'innocent' smile in that next to last panel; I'd almost feel bad for her if we hadn't seen her psychopathic side

Town Crier

Witnesses and notarize it, or it never happened.


same. That power is really good. I wonder if she'd gain everyone's powers if she joined.. For example, would she suddenly turn gold and have max's powers, and then also be able to use syd's orbs or something? hm


I mean, Arianna seems like the kinda person who'd be on both of those seats. lol

Michael Gulick

Proof that the federally authorized rubber stamp is mightier than the sword.


Henchwoman might be a super, but Arianna is a legal demigod.


Now, is it the act of stamping it, or the act of Henchwench seeing and being informed that it was stamped?


Nice one! I do think it would be more legally realistic if Arianna had instead woken up a federal judge of the appropriate appellate court and gotten him to sign off on the suspension, but hey, this works!


Ariana getting the win. I'm sure she never thought she'd be so actively involved in a bust.


So, Concretia is still considered a villain I guess. That was the other way out I saw to get rid of her spirit form.


Just the fact that its somehow 'legal', according to her powerset for someone working for/with a super hero enforcement division to claim federal authority like that tells me that the entity who granted henchwench that powerset... and then mandated she become a superVillain is an absolute sadist. I mean imagine if she went Archon instead? She could sign up, be given legal rights to access powers from other team members as they gain trust, with the option to take them away anytime she abuses them which could even be written in to occur automatically in a proper contract... making her both safe and as if not more powerful than Halo and/or Maxima. Of course clearly she's meant more as a gag-character but like... being dependent on the law while also set to fight the law... She's right up there with 'For whom the death tolls' in having a nerfed powerset anyone can beat once they figure out the trick. Was fun while she lasted though!


And Arianna is demonstrating what a +20 in Expertise (Law) can do...

Jared Juetten

Henchwench in Panel 7 is so darned cute. Nailed the facial expression, Dave!!!