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To be honest, I'm not sure how that rebar got through Henchwench's leg, if Brüt's knee could take Maxima's .557 round. I will say though, Max wasn't using an armor piercing Tyrannosaur round. She knows she's not Archon's best shot, and she was aiming at the guy's knee, not his billboard of a chest. She didn't want to put a hole through everything between Times Square and the Statue of Liberty if she missed.

Yeah, so Henchwench can definitely use powers better than the original super sometimes. This mostly happens when she has access to multiple suites of powers, like Brüt has some pain resistance, which is why GhostWench doesn't seem bothered by MeatWench's shin-ka-bob, whereas Concretia could definitely feel people zapping her meat.

Although GhostWench doesn't have pain resistance... well, she has pain resistance to meat pain, but not ghost pain. Look, super powers are complicated.

I read a book I liked! True Hero (Champion is Playing Book #1) I'm going to break my own rule, and recommend a book that takes place largely in a video game. It bypasses my cynical resilience to the... uh, it's not a genre, really. The framing device. It's a book about people playing a game as a competition, not a book about people for whom the game is reality because the author was too lazy to come up with a better system for the characters to have magic abilities and stat screens.

The premise is a guy gets Isekaied into the relatively near future (this point seems largely irrelevant to the book other than putting the MC in a position where he's ignorant of just about everything) where all aptitude for employment is determined by everyone playing a multiplayer DOTA/AoE type game. (Age of Empires, not Area of Effect, you yoots.) The upper class of people literally go to school to learn the best strategies, and the main character, knowing almost nothing about how to play of course proceeds to kick everyone's ass up left and sideways, almost entirely by accident.

That by itself isn't such a unique idea, but the reason I decided to check the book out is that it switches POVs to his opponents after most major skirmishes, and they're all going out of their minds trying to figure him out and predict his next move, assuming he's some super-genius savant, and not a lucky idiot. And that is pretty funny to me. I've only read the first book, and I don't know if that would be sustainable through the next two books, but maybe books 2 and 3 do something new with the idea.

I'll also say that the people in the book who make the game must be super frustrated that no one before this guy figured out the millions of hidden systems in the game, like... this doesn't happen in the book, but for example, if you chop down a thousand trees (and why would the player when he can assign peasants to do it) then he gets the ability to move through forested areas without incurring any movement penalties or something like that. Everyone else just plays their version of critical path, and this guy does a bunch of crazy stuff and it all pays off in spades.




Weird stuff can happen when you start to combine super powers in different ways. Nemesis power with cloning , get mad and beat yourself to death.


Oh no, a ghost-like villain! Who you gonna call?


On the write up: I imagine that many large game developers are frustrated when someone figures out a "this works best" meta fast, and everyone spends so much time either trying to copy it, tweak it, or defeat it (thus creating the new meta), that all the cool stuff you put in on the side doesn't get explored and discovered. And that goes on long enough that people assume if it was there to be found, it'd have been found already, so no-one looks anymore. Edit: Found it on audible too for those of you who want to listen while you drive/commute.

Thomas Dorner

Does Henchwench has some healing powers as well? (I've lost track of some of the team's powers.) If not, the lower leg should still be pretty much ruined, shouldn't it?


I do enjoy the "Hidden Achievements to become OP" route in my LitRPG. I'm going to check out your recommendation. 😁


Ah, it's not isekai, but Bofuri (I Don't Want to Get Hurt, So I'll Max Defense) is a great anime that follows that "subverting the game design/meta" idea. A young girl playing a full-immersion MMOG doesn't want to get hurt, so rather than building a viable character that can attack, defend, etc—all their points go into toughness. They also have this annoying (for everyone but them) habit of stumbling on quests (and usually ruining them/cheesing them by accident) that make her insanely OP. Eventually the devs just throw their hands in the air and admit that "She's adorable and everyone wants to be uber powerful like her, we're better off not nerfing her".

Jack Ponder

So what you’re saying is that it’s a book about playing ‘hardcore’ and ‘following the meta’ is less effective competitively than playing the game?


there is also one about a esport player getting old but proving he is still the best. name is King's Avatar :P


Another possible rehabilitated recruit for team Archon?


Not very powerful (puny)? Retribution (punitive)?


I can't believe I'm gonna write this, but.... I seriously what would hurt most; Boob-punch or twat-kick?


Hahaha! Get 'er Concretia!


I forgot to draw her nose being still broken, so I guess merging with her ghost reset her bones. :)


These days? A boob-punch would hurt more. However, when I was roughly 8 years old, I took a dodgeball right in the crotch, and that shit HURT! I'm crying, and being yelled at to "get off the field", which likely added to the tears. What am I saying? Of course it did, because I remember being (emotionally) hurt that no one gave a shit




Dang it, was trying to do a recommendation and wound up deleting my post while trying to delete the audible link to the book.


For how the rebar is able to pierce Wench, Max was holding it so it was effected by her Zero-ranger TK, like how her clothes get a boost to their integrity. This page reminded me of a thought I've been having. Quite awhile ago(too lazy to look it up), we were treated to what I think was a Sydney fantasy. It was one-panel, set in what I think was prohibition-era America, featuring a werewolf talking to a female super, who was wearing a costume. It was implied( and I think stated in the footnotes) that supers have a instinct/compulsion to dress it costumes( maybe also make puns). Now a conversation between Cora and Ray(and the the mercs) back in #908 and this page were HenchWench states that Max was smiling, it makes me wonder if supers also have a Instinct/compulsion to have flashy, draw out fights with the big bad. Doing big damage, but never quite going for the finisher( knockout or kill).


The description of that book makes me thing you would like Bofuri. Currently 1 season as an Anime, but has more already written. Translated Webnovel is in supposed to be coming soon. Basics, Noob VR gamer starts out not wanting to get hurt, so she maximizes defense. Through no purposeful action on her part ends up becoming the most OP character in the game while just trying to have fun her way.


Excuse me? I knew AoE as Area of Effect over a decade and a half before there was Age of Empires. Also about a decade before The Two Yoots got into that jam. ^_^

Marc Vun Kannon

Why no blood on the rebar? And where are Sydney and Cora going while Concretia gets her hits in?


Henchwench doesn't have blood, that's sheer snark and narcissism in her veins.