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When I sit down to write a page, I know basically what I want to happen on it, and have a general idea of what the dialog will be. It takes some time to actually compose it and sort it into comic panel friendly chunks, but for this page - I knew what was going to happen on it, but had no idea what I was going to do for the dialog.

Sitting down to write it though, I wasn't really worried. One of the secret powers of ADHD (for me anyway) is kind of never having to worry about writer's block. It pours out like goo from a massive lanced boil. Doesn't mean it's going to be any good, or that I won't just sit in my chair spinning and daydreaming twenty different scenarios instead of actually typing something out. The point is, quantity is not the issue. I stared at the screen for about 15 seconds and was like, "Hmm, what is Sydney going to verbal diarrhea about... ah! Jabberwokky's kiss cure."

Actually I had that story banked for another page or three, but I think it's at least as amusing in this form.

Fun fact, Jabberwokky was supposed to be obnoxiously chatty, which is where she got her nickname. But I forgot to do that every time she showed up. Maybe she switched her meds right before her first appearance. 

By the way, for those of you wondering, Clip Studio Paint does not handle large blocks of anti-aliased text well. The program is embarrassingly single-threaded. It's actually amazing it's as fast as it is, but I would really like to see some GPU support.




Naismith, is that you?


That's an actual strategy to resist chemically enhanced interrogation. Tell them volumes of irrelevant / imagined information, so at best they have to spend a monumental amount of time sorting out any truths of actual interest. Serendipity, thy name is Sydney.

Anton Schleef

And that is how you use Word Vomit to disrupt your enemies. Midoria should be taking notes.


Truth Serum + ADHD = Big Mistake


Dan Shive calls the too many ideas situation Writer’s Sphere.


Wall of text worked on me, I admit I stopped reading her dialog.

L Pedersen

Speaking of ADHD, we've been in a flashback of "a few months" for 900 pages and change now. Any idea when we're gonna catch up or did sydney just dodge out of that with the time travel shenanigans?


What the hell is going on with Sydney's eyes in the 3rd and 4th panels?


I don't think its the ADHD alone, Sydney takes meds right? One of the things about truth serum that they don't show in the movies and tv is that the serum has a high chance of doing weird things if the person has anything in there system like other meds that affect the brain or even narcotics.


Meds do some weird things to pupils betimes.

Marc Vun Kannon

Like Miles Vorkosigan, whose weird metabolism reacts very badly to truth agents. Bury whatever truth they hope to get undera mountain of crap. But really, these guys are idiots. The first thing they should do is get her away from there. Bag her hands and get the hell out. This seems like an awful lot of work for a simple interrogation. Funny as hell, though. Except the part about Sydney being scared, these clowns should get taken apart for that. And what exactly did they want Sydney to go back to? Now I have to read the whole thing all over again.

james hales

I usually hate it when comics gets super talky, but this is awesome! It's also a great way to brief us on the Jabberwocky situation.


You can get Sydney to tell the truth, but you can’t get her to stick to the topic.

Jack Ponder

This is so amazing.


Sydney doesn't have a cyber eye, right?


So has everyone read those books? Because I've never heard of them. I assume they swept through everyone's high school or something because over on the comic page there's like 9 mentions of Vorkosigan. Either I was a year too early or too late to catch it, or it just never made it to my school. I did read a ton of Robert Asprin and Piers Anthony around then. Maybe I was just busy with them.

Anton Schleef

And now that I've had the time to thoroughly read through Sydney's Word Vomit attack this page is even more hilarious than I first thought.

Town Crier

Aaaactually... This is one of the tactics used to foil torture. You tell them EVERYTHING as soon as you get the chance. The thing about torture, is that you never can truly trust the data received. Yes, "truth" serum counts as a torture technique. Anyway, the torturers can never truly rely on any of the data they receive, especially whatever they get in the very beginning of the torture. Not to mention it is a sure way to piss off your enemies so that you end up with a war for the next thousand years.


Having some Goonies flashbacks, here.

Stephen Gilberg

Another Sydney superpower! I'd run out of breath much sooner than that.

Thomas Dorner

Wonderful drug-induced filibustering!


Four-manned by a bobsleigh team XD Naughty Sydney!

Jeremy Jorgensen

The truth, the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth! Raw and unfiltered and not necessarily about the topic you want! These idiots should have done some intel gathering first.


Todays post reminds me a great deal of the Miles Vorkosigan books by Lois Bujold, the main character is weirdly allergic to a great deal of drugs. One of those being "Fast Penta" and beat one particularly unpleasant interrogation by reciting poetry (Hamlet or King Lear, something like that). Driving the not particularly well hinged bad guy to beat the hell out of him just to shut him up. Disturbing scene of course. But just about the same as what is happening here with Sydney. The hilarious "Bobsled team" comment is also something like that from the books. Something like 20 of them out there. Gah, been reading it since the 80's.

Alberto Camargo Garcia

That was my first though too, yeah. Also, yes, favorite scifi series ever ^^


Wait until Syd gets to the good bits of the whole truth; which are mostly about frogs according to Douglas Adams.


This is funny as hell. Then I realize this is also potentially long term health impairment, if the interaction between the serum and Sydney's ADHD drugs is bad enough. :-(


I'll be honest; this kinda freaks me out. I know everyone is saying how this is an effective counter to interrogation, but that's assuming she's doing it on purpose. To me it seems more like the drug is making her talk, while her ADHD is keeping the subject changing, never letting her reach an end and causing her breathing difficulty and fear. It's almost a reverse 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' moment. She can't stop talking, but she needs to inhale.

Marc Vun Kannon

It sounds like the lead bad guy wanted to know everything she knew about something, and she's giving it to him. It could be worse. It could be a long riff on the perils of package tours from someone who's taken a lot of them. (Monty Python, anyone?)


Brings to mind the scene in goonies when the fratellis are interrogating Chunk. He just goes on and on and on... They did tell him to tell them everything.


At least they didn't tell her to start at the beginning...


I'm sorta worried about those weird metallic rings showing up in her eyes. Is the serum causing that?


yup. Well, it's result of her doing all of that under serum.


This is why you don't mix drugs kids. You never know what kind of reaction you will get when you try to get high on truth serum while on your ADHD meds. When a masked stranger offers you a needle just say no.

Jeffrey Nonken

Reminds me of Miles Vorkosigan's reaction to fast penta in Brothers in Arms.

Jeffrey Nonken

Right, so I'm a few days behind and just read Dave's commentary on the following comic, and apparently I'm neither the only fan that Lois McMaster Bujold has nor the only fan who has read Brothers in Arms and remembers Miles' idiosyncratic reaction to fast penta. So uh, never mind. Guess I'm number four hundred sixty one? About.

Nathan Weber

Sydney uses "Wall o' Text" attack. It is super effective.