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Ok, so that last panel, hopefully you can tell what's happening there, but it's a little small. I should have zoomed in more on Cora's eyes. Basically she'd getting an alert. I think a lot of you have guessed the source at this point.

Honestly, if there was a real superhero fight happening in the middle of a city, I would be shocked if there weren't a dozen people within fifty feet trying to not only film the battle, but selfie it. The only reason that's not happening here is I don't want to spend hours drawing a bunch of dumbasses at the fringes of each panel.

I don't know what the conversion rate from Quatloos to Ameribucks is, but in that original ToS episode, the alien gamers started at like, 15 quatloos, and it maxed out at around 5,000, which seemed like pretty massive stakes. It could be like… 50 dollars to the quatloo? Or maybe it's 10 quats to the buck, and those Triskelion gamers just thought they were high rollers. I like to think the quatloo has a high inherent value, and if you tried to buy a single tootsie roll with one the clerk would give you a dirty look, and have to give back a handful of Singloos, Doubloos, and Triploos as change.

So. It would seem rather a lot of you enjoyed Sydney's pinup debut. Or at least thought the idea had enough potential that you'd check it out over at Patreon. (Yes, her mouth is probably a little big. It's been pointed out, and I agree. Staring at a picture too long can make you forget what actual humans look like I guess. If I can tweak it without it looking odd I'll try and do so in the next few days.)

Hopefully you decide to stick around and enjoy the high res comics in between the pinups. Obviously I will have to do a little bit of pandering to those of you who enjoy a slighter figure on a lady. Like it would be such a burden to have to do pinups of Pixel or Krona. Or Pixel and Krona. Hmm. Now I'm getting ideas.

One of my favorite novel series has a six-qual out. Binding Words 6 is available! It's a doozy so far. Haven't finished it as of writing this post, but it's got some feels.




Ah, the white knight that goes ping!


How about a gag order?


Without commentary I wouldn't notice alert in her eyes. Now looking it's quite obvious, and I'm not sure how I missed it in first place, but I got what it is even without that.


I never noticed the awesome detail you put into the pics! I enlarged Cora's eyes till they're an inch across and can almost make out the text. Probably alien script and not English . (What kind of gag? Great line!!)


HeeHee! Maybe we find out what alien Clippy looks like...

Marc Vun Kannon

Hilarious. Alien merc's discussing the socio-economic origins and consequences of their own capture. Maybe for one of your NSFW pieces you can do a 'mercs in captivity' image, they seem to like it. Even Cora has that one outfit in her collection.

Marc Vun Kannon

I can't believe there's an alien translation for 'hmm?' Having read further down in the commentary, I have to wonder what Sydney pinup you're talking about.


From the commentary: I know I prefer to have my first thought when I see someone be something other than how their back must be killing them.

Anton Schleef

I think someone just likes being gagged. Probably shouldn't give her an 'incentive' to talk about industrial complexes. And now I need to check out this Sydney pin-up. She's definitely far more my type, though she does have a boyfriend now. *sigh* All the cute ones have one before I get a chance.


"Hi! You appear to be trying to read a distress call. Would you like some help with thaaaAAAARGH it BURNS!!!"

Anton Schleef

It still doesn't leave any room for me. I don't do well at sharing a girlfriend.

Brett Bydairk

That would be the series of Sydney-getting-nude pix available at the $3 (and higher) level on Patreon.

Lex of Excel

Woooooow. Cora is demonstrating a callous disregard for the value of sapient life. Near-psychopath level.

Ron Jarrell

Looks like her eyes just booted up windows. I'd be startled too.

Zip Zop

LMAO at you people talking about having to share sydney like she's not a total celebrity who you have zero chance with and also not person in her own right who gets to make her own decisions


The *Ping!* is supposed to <i>alert</i> (BaDumTish) you that there is something going on. That and the fact that the panel is otherwise a wasted beat. (Dave doesn't do that - he crams in extra beats...)


me: "Say what again?" Cora: "Industrial Complex!" me: "So what kind of gag would you like?"

Jeremy Jorgensen

Based on the reflection in Sydney's glasses in the sext and Cora's eyes, I think the PING is the notification that Sydney is sexting


We can't even agree on whose lives matter here on real Earth. Judging who's a sociopath when entire universes of space alien cultures suddenly pop in to say Hello, is problematic. I'd have to admit that there's a certain level of criminal disregard for society that I consider to be voluntarily surrendering the protection of law / ethics - an outlaw, if you will.


I have no doubt that Dabbler's media alerts celebrated the event. (I believe she backdoor's ArcSwat communications for just such opportunities; not like she is going to respect anyone's privacy when there's a chance of backdooring ArcSwat supers!)


I completely forgot Sydney's glasses give her the ability to hand's free text! I feel like such a dummy!

Marc Vun Kannon

Maybe that anthropomorphic AI she was talking to isn't so imaginary after all.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

"So. It would seem rather a lot of you enjoyed Sydney's pinup debut. " Well, given that I've seen the NSFW versions of every other Vote Incentive, I certainly *expected* to... But apparently Those are now behind a higher level Patreon wall now.


Yeah, I thought that I was on the correct tier too as I see the previous NSFW posts. EDIT: I was on the wrong tier... I guess we got some freebies in the past...

Dark Kuno

Cora: The next person who says "industrial complex" is getting laser pistol whipped. Dabbler: *sees Frix return to the scene after retrieving something from the ship* Hey Frix, what's the name of that pseudo-punk cyber-synth virtual metal band you saw in concert last month? Frix: Who? Industrial Complex? Everyone except Cora: Oooooooooh!


Note to self, don't underestimate Ray's intelligence.


I like that book series, but I was really unhappy with the way the fight and cliffhanger at the end of book 5 worked out. Cliff hanger's like that don't belong in published novels. It's annoying but acceptable in a weekly or even monthly series, but in a novel with months or even years between books, it's not okay.


Cliffhangers are obnoxious, but only for the people reading as the series is being written. There was like six months between books 5 and 6, but now that six is out, for all the rest of time, people will be able to just buy the next one. If I hadn't been able to immediately buy book 6 of Star Justice after what happened in book 5, I might have needed therapy.

Marc Vun Kannon

This is in some ways the Roman theory of warfare. By utterly obliterating your first enemy, you give every other enemy incentive to surrender rather than risk it.


On a side note: gosh damn your good at drawing stuff. That skin and clothing and hair and even background look fantastic as always dave!