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If someone tied Maxima to train tracks, the train would be the one in danger.

Fortunately the language Ray and Cora are speaking has a perfect analog to the English word "Damsel" with the same connotations. I guess there are lots of alien civilizations out there that made media involving women being tied to space railroad tracks. Or being tied to chairs with space bombs counting down nearby. You know the formula. Lady+Bondage+Space Danger.

Also, Ray's alliteration works out in both languages somehow.

I didn't know this, but "damsel" is actually a shortened version of "Mademoiselle." #TheMoreYouKnow

Maxima's attack isn't actually a Metsu Shoryuken, after the first two hits, she grabs their leg as they fly up past her, and then she "Puny God"'s them. I guess that would be a Metsu ShoRyuKashouKami. Well, two ground slams, then she leaps up in the air, windmills them and throws them into the ground. Then if they really ticked her off, she can finish it with an Atomic Curb Stomp or an energy blast. That's the Metsu ShoRyuKashouKami Meteor-Strike Stay-Down WTFBBQ.

I assume Mr. Amorphous, Heatwave and Achilles keep trying to jump in to help with the fight, but the shockwave from those hits keep knocking them back. Dabbler's just watching.




Must be sad for Hench Wench to have all those powers and still come across someone who can beat her ass!

Thomas Dorner

I guess the current Damsel in Distress would be Sydney. And Maxima looks like she's having fun, though she would never admit it.


Well, Max did get in a bit of a bind vs Vehemence. Max’s biggest weakness there was her hubris.


Well that and actually meeting someone with the potential to be out of her league.

Town Crier

Max is no damsel, she is our *pause for effect* golden child.

Town Crier

HA! Corks on the Hooved Mantis Dude! Love it! Reminds me of when I used Dixie Cups to blindfold a mutant who's eyes were on stalks when I was playing Gamma World, back in the day. Improvisation!!!


She's definitely more of a dame than a damsel.


I half-think his alliteration was actually something completely different, but it was translated into something that works in English.


I see Dabbler did some of the, ah, rope work. :)


I wonder if Max was at some point helpless before the whole Alien Meteorite experience.

Stephen Gilberg

Well, every human is born helpless, but if you mean captured or about to be beat up...

Stephen Gilberg

And you know Dabbler likes to watch.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

"Demoiselle" was the root word you were looking for. "Madamoiselle" or "My lady" in French stems from the root word "Demoiselle" which just means "lady". The root fell out of fashion, though it survives as "damsel" which is just an Anglicanization of the French. You can thank my French 101 teacher for the minor rant.


*Frenchman enters the chat* Please allow me to disagree: damsel is coming from the French “Damoiselle” (Damoiseau for gentlemen). It was used as “ma Damoiselle” (My young Lady), which evolved in Mademoiselle. You’re welcome.

Lex of Excel

I'm sorry for harping on this, but Max rubs me the wrong way in moments like this. Wearing a cocky grin while thrashing people who we know stand no chance against her. It's like a microcosm of the last couple of arcs establishing how the superbeings of Earth are able to beat up all paranormal and extraterrestrial challengers and take their lunch money. Even more of a problem when the only true challenge Max has is the megalomaniac sponsor whose intelligence makes him just as functionally invincible as she is.