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Enjoy this comic while having a happy Thanksgiving if you're in a country that does that on this day and also if you're so inclined. If not, then simply enjoy this comic, and bank my well wishes for the regional holiday of your choosing.

So, on the one hand, this is the most action Maxima has given a guy in a long time, so I guess Brüt can brag about that. On the other hand, this would be such a bad time to get a fear boner. At least the lights are out.

I'm not sure if catastrophic damage to one piece of the ground in NYC would knock out like 6 blocks as shown, but who knows, maybe Wench ripped up some massive bank of transformers, and not just a few pipes. One might like to think that major centers of business would have some redundancies in their infrastructure, given human stupidity, laziness, lack of foresight and wildly overstretched budgets, I would easily believe a single incident with a poorly planned groundbreaking is just as likely to knock out all the traffic lights in a 60 block radius.

Hey, speaking of books that were a trilogy for a long time and a 4th book only recently came out, the Good Intentions series by Elliott Kay is one of those. I prefer books in series I like to come out in a relatively swift and predictable pace, but with the last two series I've mentioned, it gave me an excuse to get all the audiobooks for them before diving into the 4th, because I knew if I didn't refresh myself first, I'd be reading the 4th book and be all "Wait, who's that again?"

Oh, and ignore the reviews for the 4th book complaining about how there's a bunch of SJW stuff in it. I think those people were mostly complaining about the main characters getting away with punching out a bunch of nazis demonstrating at their college. (Which in my estimation tells you more about the people leaving those reviews than anything about the book itself.) I'd call that a spoiler but it's a tiny section of the book. Given that the main character remembers his past lives, one of which was killed by nazis, him wanting to punch them out makes sense for more than just the usual reasons. This book is just as good as any of the others in the series.




Henchwoman has a serious screw loose.


Too much power has driven Hench Wench crazed.

Town Crier

I'm guessing that she has a psychological disadvantage that increases with the amount of power she is channeling.

Louis Richards

Her contract also seems to have an 'Excessive Collateral Damage' clause. Paycheck is shrinking.


Looks like Sydney just might have a new "friend" pretty soon...


I have to wonder one thing... Where IS Sydney? Is she off planet... Again?


Brüt: Don't enjoy the gunjob. Don't enjoy the gunjob. For the love of god, don't enjoy the gunjob.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Well, we know she *was* there... Presumably she's hanging around the edges and watching for either an opportune moment or studying the opposition.

Jack Ponder

Looters are like little kids, when the lights go out they make a mess.


The comic numbering seems to be stuck on #894.


If she wasn't getting fired before, she's definitely getting fired for all of this. I'm sure Deus will want to recruit her, well, maybe not. Could be too much power in a chaotic person's control.


love the comic, and gonna look into the book series, seems fun. :D


Love the shadow rabbit he’s making. Accidental or is he trying to not think about his lower parts?

Bharda Sullivan

The destruction and liberation of property is a perfectly valid for of protest in a society that places more value on property, than human lives. (Yes, I realize that might not be germane to the current situation, but it needs repeating & circulating anyway. /endrant)

Nicholas Grey

I liked the first two books of Good Intentions, but the SJW hammer came down in book 3, didn't just start in book 4. So check out the reviews on book 3 as well before you start it. I didn't even read book 4, book 3 put me right off. Which was a pity, because books 1 and 2 were on my regular re-read list.