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By "Variable," Cora of course means "That depends on what I'm shooting and where I hit them." I suppose that applies to most non-AOE weapons, really.

My first draft had some Predator looking scrawl in panel 5 there, but I thought that wasn't particularly helpful, so it's been translated for your convenience.

So, the "stasis" gun doesn't stop time, because if you reference your technobabble lookup table, it's too power inefficient to do so. It's like accelerating mass to light speed without cheating with spacial compression or just straight up warp nonsense. Basically, slowing time to 10% takes 100 energoid-hours, slowing it to 9% takes 200 energoid-hours, slowing it t0 8% takes 400 e/h, 5% takes 3,200 e/h, etc. 

At least, that's how the gun works. The stasis pod is more efficient because it's maintaining a time slow field inside layers of other fields, and those usually have much larger power cells than a rifle. They can put 10 fields that each slow time by 15%, which is far more power efficient. 

Basically what's happening here is the gun is trying to keep Maxima at something like 2 or 3% speed, but as she realized something is wrong, and is using super speed to compensate, the gun is like "I don't know what's happening here, so I'm going to double fist your power cell to attempt to keep things stable. Please be alarmed if your gun starts getting really hot."

"Torchy" is probably a racial slur, but a fairly mild one. Whatever Torchy is, her race definitely has some demon or devil in their ancestry, neither one is usually ever described as a snowflake. If you call a Marileth a six-armed snake-butt, their first instinct isn't to go cry about it on Space Twitter. Succubi have certainly heard their share of slurs. On top of all the usual female derogations, they get stuff like "Horned Hussy" or "Homewrecker on hooves." At least the ones that actually have horns and hooves, that is. Even without their glamors, succubi have morphologically and chromatically enjoyed the spice of life. No, not Melange. Variety. Most have horns. Some have hooves, some do not. Some have that little tail with the spade thing on the end. That has to get caught on stuff. Walking through the woods with a spade tail is probably like pulling a DVI cable out of a big tangle of wires. You know, the ones with the big screw things on the side that get caught on everything? Man, I'm glad we're moving past stupid cable connectors. USB C fo lyfe!

 Oh shoot, I forgot to draw Torchy's wrist forcefield thingy.  




Stasis fields don't work very well on people who can move at super speeds.


I love Maxima look in he corner of her eye.

Michael Obert

Torchy's pants peed? Achieved.


Dabbler: "The Spice of Life must flow!" *Looks at Achilles* "Hmm speaking of flowing..."


Perhaps no Torchy survives first contact! I love the slow turn and am curious as what Max's reaction is going to be and how painful for others.


the question is... what does the world look like to maxima as she super speed-turns like that? Is there a time-doppler effect going on or does her innate superspeed power help compensate for the wierdness as time-flows get extra-relative around her person?


It was at this point that she knew: They fucked up.


The fun part is when they find out that the Archon people they're currently fighting aren't the only heavy hitters at that particular location...


And it is at that precise moment that the head mercenary realized that they were in way, WAY, over their head.


Now my question; If Maxima wanted to really bust out of that field, how difficult would it be? We know that she's able to focus her power into almost immeasurable levels, at the expense of others. Is she keeping some in reserve, or is this "slow turn" her maxing out speed?

Greg Morrow

Max is fast. Not quite pre-Crisis Barry Allen fast, but a time-dilation field just isn't slow enough to stop her. Nice bit.


What’s funny is Maxima seems more annoyed than pissed off right now. (Of course, a pissed-off Maxima would be the *last* thing you would ever see, anyway; it would be like a small nuke going off every time she hit you.)

Jared Juetten

"Oh shoot, I forgot to draw..." That's my favorite part about you, Dave. I almost never notice these small details. But for others it's like a free "spot the difference!" game in every comic. :D Cheers man!

Erin Palette

So the flame thing on her head... is it just a stylistic choice that it mirrors her eye size and pupil direction? Or is it literally a third mystical eye that she can see with?


Probably? I just thought it looked cool, but I haven't figured out what it is or does. Though I think it'd be funny if someone blindfolded on of them and had to figure out how to put a blindfold over an etheral flame as well.

Jack Ponder

They probably wanna thank Cora and Dabbler for preventing Maxima from being taken onto their ship where, in the depths of space, she’d probably just kill and/or maim all of them before hijacking their ride to get back home. Really a kindness when you think of it like that.

Sean Patrick Fannon

I just want to reiterate that I -really- appreciate your extraordinary knowledge of sci-fi science and your efforts to maintain internal consistency with it. I am always impressed with your descriptions of how the tech works!


She's at 60% power, starting from a full charge, after what was probably a couple of minutes at most... and yeah, the other heavy hitters haven't even entered the fray yet. "Dibs on the corpse", indeed...

John Chidester

My guess is that this turn is Max noticing that something's wrong in dilated time and turning to see if it's a threat she needs to "Max out" for or not.


Yep, I think you are right.

Kevin Wright

I just want to note that I love the derail about demon tails in the commentary.