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So, the nudie incentive thingy from last month was supposed to be this picture, but I ran out of time. I may need to limit the number of multi-girl pics I do because honestly I'm having trouble finding time for them. It's also eating into what little novel writing time I had, and I'm like, 100K words into the sequel for the Tamer fanfic I wrote and I'd like to get it done maybe by the end of the year? 

Anyway, this picture is called the sidecut squad, but I thought I had more chicks with sidecuts on the team, but I don't, so I included punk Harem and Peggy, who at least have short hair on the sides. 



Michael Obert

Great work; worth the wait!


So have to ask: is it a glint on the water or does punk Harem have a piercing down there?


Also natural breasts, regardless of size, have nipples that point the same way; only implants end up pointing separately.


Love that Peggy has a prosthesis specifically for swimming. Or is her general one a shape-changer?


I can see why this took a lot of time. Lots of heavy lifting to get all four into the picture. Peggy's tattoos probably took ages to get right, too. https://i.imgur.com/6zeve8L.gif


zoom in seems to say yes, she is pierced there. Also seeing that pink harem has implants...makes me wonder if they all do?

William O'Driscoll

Is that a bit of mistletoe on Peggy's stomach? Lol. Best girl out of these. (Halo best overall, possibly tied with Peggy). And it looks like she has a xeno-tech prosthetic until she decides if she wants the bio replacement.


Piercing. She should probably be pretty tattooed up in that body, but I've never sat down and designed them.

Jared Juetten

The detail on the harem piercing. Hahah Nice.

Aaron Mauthe

This is definitely a swapable one. The shape changing tech is part of that alien crafting tree that the galaxy says we can’t have access to until we get there on our own. Of course, Peggy is gonna have her own leg back in a couple weeks, so it’s impractical for her to have a shapeshifting limb