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This is one of those pages where the Grrl-verse kind of got away from me. I hadn't ever intended to grant Peggy a new leg, but... for Cora and her level of technology, it's a trivial fix. They don't want to give her a cybernetic leg, or a hard light one like what Cora has, because that would be handing Earth tech they haven't earned yet, but growing a new leg from her DNA and attaching it with the stuff in their med bay wouldn't pollute Earth's tech tree in any way. 

Cora and crew probably aren't hanging around on Earth for too long, I haven't quite decided how some storylines are going to shake down, but the fact that they need to be around to attach the leg means Peggy won't lose her handicapped parking sticker quite yet, whatever she decides to do with the appendage in a bottle there. 

It's kind of funny, I recently had someone message me and say "Thanks for the amputee representation." but I was setting this up as early as Peggy's absence from the gun range when Sydney discovered her smart glasses. And again when she got the selfie from Frix. If you look real close by Frix's side, you can see Peggy's arm. You can tell it's her because it has her color banded tattoo on the right side that goes down below her elbow. It's honestly pretty hard to see. 

Anyway, after I got the message, I was like "Thanks, and/or you're welcome?" Hah hah ho-boy. But like I said it'll be a while before any progress is made on that front. 




I think it might be the right angle on the facial scars that's bugging me. Very rarely is anything that neat in real life, that she's basically got a precisely horizontal scar that goes across the nose without a gap, but has not impacted the shape of the nose, and a precisely vertical gap going down the eye that intersects the other scar at a 90 degree angle. It's just a little "too" precise, keeps jarring my "nope" button. (Just personal observation/feedback, it could also just be me.)

Michael Obert

Could there be pink-haired love in the air? On a serious note, Peggy's struggle is a legit one and well-voiced, IMO.


The second panel is the cutest!

Town Crier

Yup. I have the same issue. It looks too contrived. That being said, I have seen stranger things, so a perpendicular scarring is still within acceptable limits.


If it helps, depending on how things work out for Peggy, she need not be the last veteran with a grown replacement rather than a mechanical one. She just had the right connections for the early access program.

Stephen Gilberg

Took me a minute to understand the "Margaret" part.


So, when she gets that fitted, she won't be a peg(legged)gy Peggy anymore?


Though depending on how the relationship goes, and what they're into. She might still be pegged.


Peggy is carrying around a device that can support growth of a bodypart. That is a major tech upgrade for the military, and civilian (holy crap, kidney, anybody?) even if we still need to work on our cell and dna manip a bit more to use it.


It's just a life support pod for growing the leg, her leg. One does imagine she wont get to keep the pod once the lower-leg has been grafted to her upper-leg. As has been shown, they're fine with letting sydney and others benefit from the tech while it's there to use but Not fine with leaving stuff behind that the natives can potentially reverse-engineer or form a cargo cult around.


I truly love this page.


I was just thinking about the leg - we actually have pretty good transplant capabilities already, so if Cora and crew get pulled away, maybe we could do the job, once the leg is ready. Hmm, might have to take off the stump up to the hip. OK, so probably very few local docs would want to risk that. But heck, someone had a face transplant a few years ago! The team that did that would probably be willing to give it a go...


I know this the calm before the storm. I saw the shoe I'm know the drop is coming and the build up is killing me, I hope it last.