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I don't know if it rains that high up, but the way I see it, if there's a cloud above you, then it's possible to get rained on. 

Max never does this without a lot of cloud cover. There are people with very large zoom lenses out there, and people who would pay big bucks for said pictures. 



Michael Obert

Beautiful work; great lines and an awesome background.




Now where's Dabbler with her cloud peeping thing-a-ma-jig??

Kevin R Conk

Another super-buff vote incentive girl... I might pass on the voting this time.


I wonder where she had that backpack hidden :-D

Kevin R Conk

Max is worried about people with zoom lenses... but she should also be concerned about billionaires with access to satellite cameras who might also be tracking her every move.


I mean, that's kinda the theme of the whole comic though. If you don't like it you're kinda in the wrong place.


I'm curious. Does she naturally have no body hair as a result of her powers, that whole "supers look perfect for some reason" effect? Granted, we've also seen that her hair is far more durable than the clothing she wears, so it raises the question of if she would need some kind of super-powered hair salon to even get a trim?


Very nice. Only slight nitpick is that when the bra is gone, the 'girls' should droop just a little, but that's with human women and not gold-plated ones.


I started to do a version with a tiny bit of droop, but I waited till late last night to start that. I should have popped it into Paintstorm Studio because that has a liquify filter which works on multiple layers.


Supers have no body hair. Partially because I forget to draw body hair all the time so I figure I'd make it easier on myself.


never thought i'd see the day where Maxima was that far out of uniform... XD

Thomas Dorner

Maxima getting "blitzsauber" (sorry, German pun ;-).


Technically, if she is rained upon, she is under clouds, so satellites should not get pictures either.

Stephen Gilberg

Not sure how much of an effect lightning would have on her.

Dark Kuno

Is it weird that after I picked up my jaw from the floor and wiped away the drool, that my first thought was "What is that lanyard made of, if it can keep the pack secured to her leg if she decides to fly at decent speed?" XD


Just wanted to say I really appreciate that you put the clothed version first and I hope that becomes standard procedure, because that's the one that shows up in my email from Patreon. It gives me the option to continue patronage and enjoy the PG version, while opting out of the NSFW versions.


Glad it worked out that way. I think I have to be careful how I name them because I think it orders them alphabetically.


Ah, shoot, I had planned to do a mini comic addressing that. Eh, I guess I still can when I find time.


I love the artwork. And this is not a complaint, but I thought Max's lips were naturally red, not purple? I even re-read the ambulance scene to confirm it. So wouldn't her nipples be red as well?


The comment about the rain made me look it up... turns out, "low level" clouds (the ones that make storms and rain) tend to float around 6500 feet, and the freezing altitude is around 6000-8000 feet, most of the time. The lightning can actually reach all the way up to 60,000 feet... so that doesn't really help with figuring out how high she is. So if Maxima is flying around in low-level storm clouds, she will get wet. If she's in the higher level stuff, those don't really precipitate, so it's basically like being out in the fog. However, at altitudes above the freezing altitude, the water vapor is actually frozen, and it forms snow, rather than rain. So high flying supers need to not just be able to withstand the wind and be able to get the oxygen they need above 10,000 feet or so, but they also need to be _cold_ resistant. So that picture feasible below 6000 feet. Above that, she'd be in snow or hail, and by 10,000 feet, the air won't hold much moisture. The thin, high clouds you see don't precipitate. tl;dr - Maxima is flying below 6000 feet, in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Aaron Morton

Considering what we know about Max,seems really weird for her to be naked in the rain, however, this might literally be the only way shes able to be alone to "shower" with Dazzler around.

Vernon E. Parker III

I had to think when I saw the NSFW version why would she do that then I thought, why wouldn’t a person who could fly do that. If I could fly I’d shower about a very rainy tropical area frequently, looking at you Guam or Hawaii.