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Three hundred billion... over ten years, in case you were wondering. The details might come up on a future page, but in case they don't, I don't want you guys thinking Deus is trying to grab half the US's annual defense spending. That would just be greedy.

The "Hung Like a Horse" super soda is the easy joke, but I'm sure most women would be much more interested in the "Makes you Last Exactly as Long as I do Because I'm Tired of Being with 8 Pump Chumps, but Also it's Kind of Worse When He Gets His Second Wind and 45 Minutes is Seriously Too Much - I mean, Chafing is Never Good but Especially in Certain Places… Well, You Get it."

Also that wouldn't fit on the vending machine.

I'm not sure what it says about me that when I was trying to come up with a single comic panel that showed "customizable super powers" my first thought was a vending machine full of perverted shit. I could have spoofed the Captain America zero to hero sarcophagus, or someone looking over a selection of "super" spiders in vials, or someone standing next to a shelf of chemicals with a big tesla coil descending from the ceiling, but no. I went with the Pervert's Delight Vending Machine. 

I don't think I quite got panel 6 right, but it's close. The expression is supposed to conjure the sound of Marge Simpson doing one of those long, low grousing mumbles of hers. That or you're supposed to guess Max is thinking "I will beat the smug right off your giant face."



Michael Obert

At least people can Venmo their superpowers in that eventuality.


And now I must avoid pointing to the next-to-last button on the machine (above "Firehose") in the City of Titans forums, lest the debates resurge... Of course, I'm not the only person here who visits those forums regularly... Meanwhile, does Max have a translator device, perhaps courtesy of Dabbler or Sidney's new friends?


As for the plan, it seems that he wants to sell weapons to the US, which will be presumably manufactured in Galytn, resulting in a substantial weapons industry in Galytn, able to make advanced weaponry for... well, anybody who can pay Deus' prices.


Plot Twist: Max has a translator. Or speaks sufficient Alari to guess the rest from context.


I wonder what part of Project Cha-Ching involves his business on that space station where Syd got picked up by Cora?

James C

Using advanced DNA scanning and Gene Editing tech to make supers? Using alien tech to fake Supers? Using advanced alien drugs to bake Supers?


I'm somewhat scared, if that's not the Japanese vending machine. Of what the Japanese vending machine is.


Also for the "lasts as long as I do"... "Syncroclimaxis"?


I like how Deus hasn't actually said that he knows anything useful about the origins of superpowers. Just that he might share what he does know.


That is the Japanese one...even if it says Sappaa (supper?) Pop. Maybe it only works in the evening?

Michael Gulick

Why do I get the feeling that Sciona still has a role to play in upsetting Deus' apple cart? :)

Stephen Gilberg

Dave, I notice you've been swearing more in your commentary lately. Are you under stress?

Stephen Gilberg

BTW, thanks so much for adding "paizuri" to my browser history.

Town Crier

Interestingly enough, Deus has specifically NOT said that he can make super heroes. He has just suggested that he has more supes per capita. That can mean that he has hired more supes, or given more supes cause to move to his country, plus his country may have a rather low population density due to its location, environment, and former "troubles".

Andrew Denton

Panel 9: "Thank you for re-drawing these moral borders with clarity."

Lex of Excel

Glad to see Max is as enthused by Deus's antics as I am.


I'm guessing that if she did she wouldn't be so chill about being called a slave to deus. lol

Stefan J Neylon

I think she jumped the gun with Max there. That comment is more likely to derail Deus' plan.

A Patreon of the Ahts

I'm a bit disappointed she's impressed with 300 GB. This is the US military we are talking about.


NGL... kinda curious about that German machine.

Jeremy Jorgensen

I have come to accept Whinnie the Pooh as representing China for so long that it took me a few viewings to actually notice it.