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Alex H

Only good thing about being up at 6am <3


Actually, the government asshole has a good point. Maybe she should give them the design for the Fel corruption influence detector and let them build their own...


I'm casting the government wanting spiffy alien technology as the immovable object (since that lust for power isn't EVER going to change), and galactic opposition to spreading Fel corruption as the irresistable force. It will take some serious dancing to keep that conflict from resolving itself by unfortunate means.

Nicholas Perrett

To quote Atomic Rockets: Toying with alien technology can be very very dangerous. Especially if the aliens are more technologically advanced that you are. Even if the items are not deliberately booby-trapped, fiddling with, say, alien nanotechnology could result in the lab and most of the surrounding terrain melting into grey goo. As an analogy, imagine an 1850's Victorian Era scientist dismantling a live nuclear reactor trying to figure out how it works. Radioactivity hadn't been discovered yet, much less nuclear fission. So they would be at a loss trying to explain the disaster that happened after they removed all the nuclear damper rods for closer examination.


You're assuming that Earth has the materials. Or the gadgets to build the gadgets that will build the gadgets to make the detector. Which Humanity wouldn't be able to then calibrate without equivelant psychic tech. I'd go more with the "find a local human psyche, see what they say."

A Patreon of the Ahts

I am reminded of this incident https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samut_Prakan_radiation_accident where people who had no clue rubbed Cobalt-60 on their faces. Cobalt-60 is 'energetically radioactive' and they all died.


Is everyone just going to ignore the fact that he mentioned the Winamp Visualizer? That really takes me back! XD

Jeffrey Nonken

I still use Winamp. Or I would be if I weren't listening to Pandora these days. So, no, I didn't ignore it.


Very well said, add in a side helping of bureaucratic power grabbing idiocy. And on the Gripping hand, another helping of orbital bombardment from to many other races to count to avoid the Fel-corruption thing. Hope it wouldn't affect the sun when it get's dumped in there.

Jack Ponder

*ticks checkbox labeled ‘Cliche Obstructive Bureaucrat’ on his list* Carry on.