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Leon will be dead soon if he does not stop talking !

Michael Obert

Seriously, Leon, quit while you still have a face left to pummel.


Knowing Leon, or rather males in general, they probably had these boots ready


The answer is fusion... for science and research obviously.

Town Crier

Actually, if I was Leon, I would not date either of them. At this point, Leon can easily press physical assault charges against both women. Not only are both of the women showing willingness to bully and abuse the man, but they are rudely discussing him as if he were property and not present. If two men were doing something similar to a woman, everybody would be up in arms. There should be no double standards. As this situation is probably being witnessed and recorded, HR should be arriving soon to deal sternly with both of the abusive women.


If this was real life? Yeah. Hitting someone hard enough to leave bumps wouldn’t be casually overlooked. Also, Leon would probably have known to be more cautious with his phrasing. Certainly by the second time. But Dave tries to end a good amount of his comics on a laugh, so he steers the dialogue and character decisions to promote humor. Along with that comes some instances of cartoon violence like this one. I think that if a woman WERE going to respond to a guy’s comment by hitting or throwing a shoe, it would be done lightly rather than hard enough to develop a whelt or a bump. Dave drew the bumps here more to demonstrate that Leon had been hit (so he didnt have to spend panels showing the hits land) than to indicate how hard the hits actually were.

Sean Patrick Fannon

Dave, you -know- I love this series (and am still interested in seeing it as an official Omniverse Setting for Prowlers & Paragons), but this one did make me a little uncomfortable. Not hugely - I get where you were going - but... yeah, this might have gone a bit too far with the "Mars/Venus discrepancies lead to acceptable violence" thing.

Thomas Dorner

The important question is: From where did he get the band-aid so fast? ;-)


I'm kind of sick of non-monogamy trending. I still love your comic Dave and will keep my support up. Still, non-monogamy causes problems. The late 60s and the entire 70s were good lessons in how drama, single parenthood and disease are spread through free love. My kids are split on this, with the older one thinking it is worth exploring because, y'know, college. The younger one says it is unheard of among friends in high school and those who sleep around are not regarded highly, to put it politely. As for me, I get invited every other week to a couple's unicorn party or I get told, "My husband doesn't mind if I sleep with women," but I just smile and wave. Thanks for the compliment, I guess, but I have to go now. Have fun. I know what Candy Mountain is all about: You'll swallow my soul and I'll wake to find myself forevermore relying on just one kidney! LGBT peeps aren't the most monogamous group, but lots of us do hope for it. That's why we shelved that whole "rebelling against marriage contracts and, by proxy, The Man™" in this century - we want equal rights, even if it is stupid. 8b Seriously, though -- LGBT people aren't immune to drama, single parenthood and disease when not monogamous either. Monogamy (and yeah, marriage) seems to be the only solution. Some of us feel that it's important that you will stick around and work it out if things get tough! I suppose that I'm waxing selfish here, since I identified with Sydney as our increasingly badassed guide to Dave's World of Superheroes and bringing deep geek culture with her. Now, she's less like me. That's cool. There's always Maxima: She's got a stick up her ass too. Where did Peggy go? -cough-

Dark Kuno

If he keeps this up, Leon may find himself available sooner than he was expecting XD


You know, I'm cautiously open to the non-monogomous options, but this page in particular rubs me the wrong way. It's not that Sydney might be interested in having a relationship like that, is that she seems almost as reluctant as Krona. As if she's only suggesting it because she's somehow so desperate to be with Leon that she'd be willing to go pretty far outside her comfort zone (which admittedly is larger than it was after furry bathing and such). I don't like how she seems to be thinking that Leon is her only option for a relationship. Shouldn't she, ESPECIALLY after her encounter on Cora's ship, be more aware that there are more puppies in the sea?


Hmmm.... It's stuff like that which gives rise to things like MGTOW. Quit abusing the poor guy; everyone's getting a little blind-sided so stupid things are going to be said. It's not worth a concussion and a battery charge. :)

Jeffrey Nonken

My take on it was that she was uncomfortable about discussing it because it's an uncomfortable subject between people brought up in a society whose mores tend to loudly condemn any sexual relationship that isn't strictly male-female monogamy. It's pretty obvious that polyamory is something she's not spent a lot of time thinking about (consider her initial reaction to Dabbler's "Eskimo sisters" declaration), and so may also be trying to integrate new concepts into her worldview at the same time. Then again, it's been made clear that she's relatively inexperienced with sex and is dealing with a lot of inhibitions she's not yet had a chance to resolve... I'd say it was pretty damned bold of her not to run away and hide. I don't know that it's desperation so much as trying to cope with a myriad of new concepts and experiences. I think she's doing well. MHO. YMMV.

Erin Palette

There's a difference between non-monogamous long-term relationships and non-monogamous dating. I wish we as a culture could return to the era when people just went on dates to find out who they liked and it wasn't considered serious until they "went steady." I don't know how or why that died out; I think it's a hell of a lot more healthy than the current trend of serial monogamy.

Stefan J Neylon

Sounds like he is running the risk of losing both of them.