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Thank you for the support! You guys are awesome!

Math is one of those guys who punches iron bowl full of hot gravel every morning. The skin on his knuckles and the back of his fingers is like the sole of an elephant's foot. He also does a bunch of other crazy Shaolin monk training, like sitting at a table without using a chair, just by flexing his foot just right, or climbing a rope using just one hand, or whatever. You've all seen Kung Fu theater on Sunday afternoons, haven't you? This assumes you grew up in a world where there were maybe 7 TV channels. One of your local stations that didn't get a license for whatever seasonal sports game and wasn't PBS would either be running syndicated sitcoms or some Kung Fu movie. 

I mention that because Math is used to hitting things like Altus. It still hurt a little, but at least he didn't blow out his wrist or dislocate a finger. 




Well, he hit them all first. With varying degrees of success. Now the fight begins.


in panel 4 i feel the round speedlines are missing a direction, all others i can see some hints or points which show the direction but the round part of panel 4