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Very select, eagle-eyed readers may have noticed a slight shift in the art on today's page. (I'll pause here for you to go reexamine it in case you missed it.) The important point being that if you noticed on your first perusal, you are a special butterfly. 

Okay, seriously though. I've mentioned I have been going down to my parents' house for a week at a time to help out with my mom, who is having some mobility issues. Actually, she's gotten better... well, not better, but she's improved a little. At this point I'm mostly helping out my dad with chores that pile up. He's in good health be he is in his early 80's, so I help out with the heavy lifting and just anything that is a two man job. Plus, they just like seeing me, because before all this went down, I was visiting like 2-3 times a year, cause, you know, life keeps you busy. 

So anyway, I drove down last Sunday, (from Dallas to Houston) and if you watch the weather channel, you might be like "Doesn't that mean you were driving toward hurricane Beryl?" Yes it does. For arcane reasons of scheduling that aren't worth getting into, last week would have been the best week for me to visit, only when I got up that Monday, we had about an hour of power, and then, the terrible privatized power grid in Texas with a long history of extended failures, predictably, failed. So I hung out with my folks till about 5 pm, then decided I just couldn't sit around not working on the comic, and I headed back up to Dallas. I felt a little bad leaving them without power, but they had a full pantry, fridge, plenty of flashlights (I think most people who live in Texas have a stockpile of flashlights at this point) and there was literally nothing I could do to help besides keep them company.

Anyway, they got power back mid-Wednesday and are fine, and I decided to make up the lost time by having fun with a stick-figure adjacent style, which... you know? I don't hate? I'm not going to switch the comic over to this or anything, but it's fun to experiment with a minimalist style, and it reminded me of art principles like "the fewer lines you use, the more important each one becomes" or... I don't know, I think that's a saying. It's easy to lose sight of old lessons when you're busy worrying about bounce light hues and the like. 

As for the page itself? Yeah, Sciona's stolen super body can make the good-good. Or more like the good-good-good-good. 




Combining your classic style with the spare modelings of Randall Monroe creates a new paradigm in web comic dialectics. (did that sound pretentious enough?)

Mathew Aaberg

Even with low detail the comic still works. Thus proving that story matters more than high def.