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Thank you for the support! You guys are awesome!

Being recognized by the United Nations and the Olympic governing body are two separate things. If you want to know how many countries there are, well, the two organizations don't always agree. Also there are factors like The Vatican is a country, but isn't a member of the U.N., and given the demographics of the City/Nation, they don't exactly have a lot of Speed Skaters on hand or guys that do whatever that Ice Sweeping one is, and Altar Boy Molestation hasn't been accepted into the Olympic catalog yet. 

The hardest disses when someone attacks you are along the lines of looking up and going, "Oh, did we start? I hadn't noticed."  "Hey, do you have any bug spray? I think a mosquito is buzzing around me." "Was that a punch or are you establishing credentials for when you apply for disability benefits?"

And then there's just browsing on your phone while people flail helplessly against it. 

This sequence is another short one. One more page and we're back to Sydney doing her usual shenanigans. (<-- A word I never spell correctly on the first try.) I, too, prefer shenanigans to evil plotting, but it's a superhero comic, bad guys have to set up future conflict now and then. 






Well, at least it doesn't appear that this intruder intends non killing these guys... Or at least not all of them. And, as the organic and morphic nature of the intruders limbs has been made rather obvious, I would suggest that the intruder is either Alari or maybe the people who.built the Kaiju ships that Sydney encountered on the Alari homeworld. If they ARE of that second race, they must have figured out that Earth is Sydney's home world and decided that use of Kaiju ships would.likely be counter productive, considering that they likely scouted the Earth first, finding that there were others of substantial abilities, that, while not as apocalyptic in power level as Sydney by herself, would still be powerful enough that direct confrontation would not be economical or advised. A more subtle approach seems the best approach...

Some Ed

I dunno, from the perspective of would be invaders, i feel like it would only take knowing there was at least one Mighty Halo to decide to us caution. She may have run away, but she took out one of them and as far as they know they didn't hurt her.