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Happy eclipse day if it happens to be basically passing straight over your house like where I am. I'm actually a little south of it but I think we'll get about 2.5 minutes of total eclipse here. Be sure to check out the weird crescent shadows just before and after.

I hope this page makes sense. Most people have gone into autopilot mode while commuting or cleaning or taking out the garbage or whatever, so hopefully it's not totally out of left field. I almost put a can of Pam in the fridge recently while cleaning up after making breakfast, and I have picked up the milk after having cereal and made one step toward the pantry instead of the fridge, but usually when you're autopiloting, I think there's a part of your brain still alert for deviation, so stuff like commuting home but missing your exit and driving to the neighboring town doesn't really happen that often. 

Obviously, this does happen to Sydney on occasion - the fact that her apartment complex has a procedure for this specific event tells you that the use of the word "occasion" is probably the polite way of saying "kinda often." With her sleeping at HQ more often than not these days, there are ways this can go bad, as seen here. It's a good thing Sydney doesn't have any pets. 

Oh, and since I zoom in way too much while I'm drawing and lose sense of how large things will be in the final page, I attached a large version of it to the the comic post, since it's probably still unreadable at the 2X size. Also, I don't care about the timeline of when the comic started vs the first season of Rick and Morty. I reserve my right to deploy comic time.



Mathew Aaberg

My biggest take away from this is that Sydney is still thinking like a normie. She has a shield and a extendable tentacle. Bag it up and through the window it goes. (Edit: An open Window)


Can Syd put a bubble around something and incinerate it with the PPO while it stays fully enclosed?