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So I was hard at work making the Mio animation and just taking my time with it. Unfortunately, thanks to Adobe's shitty software, I've now lost all my currently progress and am having to go back to my original file from the 25th of December last year. It sucks, but that's the state of Flash animations in 2023.
I had Mio and Korone drawn and animated, but the code was left to do.

This, combined with the fact I lost my Preggo Game Jam submission too, has just been the absolute tipping point.

But fuck it. I want to bring you a preggo flash game so I'm gonna bring you a preggo flash game.
It'll have Mio, Korone, and Okayu because you guys have been waiting long enough. I'll try to get another artist to do the art for this one because frankly I can't be bothered to draw it for a third time.

Anyways, I apologize (again again) for the delay. After this Mio animation I plan to start working on my preggo video game full time. Womb Mates will be made, finally.

And yes, no one is being charged until the animation is made. I refuse to double charge for my own issues.


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