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Download official SWF players from Adobe here:

Downloads and links for this animation will be in the comments!


IT'S FINALLY DONE! This absolutely huge animation is my biggest project yet, and I hope it was worth the wait!

I had to re-work the VN engine I had made like 3 times in the making of this animation, but thankfully it all came together in the end!

I did my best to test the animations for bugs but I may have missed some, so if you find any please let me know! 




.swf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wze0vdodgp2r0v3/ProjectRound.swf?dl=1 (To play it, please download the flash players above or use the Sqwark Collection) Windows .exe: https://www.dropbox.com/s/542vwdhajjxfsoh/ProjectRound.exe?dl=1 Mac .app: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tev8x5fnq8sd71w/AAAZ0rGE25NmUV1U0F_jaA6pa?dl=1


25th of December, I'm planning it as the big reveal for this year's advent calendar


its just bring up a white screen for me?


I'm just opening it through the file and I'm in windows


Try downloading the flash file and using a flash player provided above, that should work just the same.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/y345eafefuxz1r3/flashplayer_32_sa.exe?dl=1 This one - it's also linked at the top of the post if the link here doesn't work.


am i downloading the wrong thing cuase thats what i was downloading in the first place


OH! Then you're just downloading the flash player. In the top comment under the main post should be a link to a .swf file you can download and open with the flash player.


ohhh ok got it i didnt see that comment i had to open it thank you