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Per the results of the poll I made a few days ago, I've made the decision to keep billing open through to August.

I know this may be an inconvenience for some, so if you wish to part ways for now and come back in September when the animation is complete that's totally understandable, I don't blame you.

This animation is pretty damn big as it's basically four animations in one so hopefully it'll be worth the wait! In the meantime, I'll keep posting my WIPs and my previews, and hopefully you enjoy what you see.

ALSO! Next month Patreon requests WILL be returning some time early next month, prioritizing $5+ patrons as an apology for the delay.

EDIT: Also finally, just so I have this on record, this is NOT going to become the new norm. This should hopefully be a once in a blue moon situation, so don't worry about me normalizing taking 2+ months to make an animation that you're paying per month for.
